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Displaying posts with tag: NoSQL (reset)
NoSQL to InnoDB with Memcached

MySQL is the most popular open source SQL database. The ever-increasing performance demands of web-based services have generated significant interest in providing NoSQL access methods to MySQL. Today, MySQL is announcing the preview of the NoSQL to InnoDB via memcached. This offering provides users with the best of both worlds – maintain all of the advantages of rich SQL query language, while providing better performance for simple queries via direct access to shared data.

In this preview release, memcached is implemented as a MySQL plugin daemon, accessing InnoDB directly via the native InnoDB API:

Features provided in the current release:

  • Memcached as a daemon plugin of mysqld: both mysqld and memcached are running in the same process space, with very low latency access to data
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HandlerSocket execute_multi Curiosities

A post on the HandlerSocket-dev mailing list the other day got me thinking about the performance of MySQL’s IN() construct versus HandlerSocket’s execute_multi. So I started a little test, using MySQL 5.5 + HandlerSocket’s latest commits: mysql> CREATE TABLE `test`.`t1` ( -> `id` int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, -> `val` char(32) NOT NULL, -> PRIMARY [...]

How to make MySQL cool again

Jonathan Levin has an excellent blog post titled How to make MySQL cool again. It is almost word for word something I've wanted to write for a long time. Now I don't need to, thanks Jonathan.

Once again Blogger failed to post my comments to his site, so I will make some comments as a new post of my own instead. Jonathan actually lists things that exist already but isn't getting used enough. My list contains also a few things that I don't know if they exist or not.

Hi Jonathan

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Improving healthcare in Zambia with CouchDB

A new healthcare project in Zambia is trying to integrate supervisors, clinics, and community healthcare workers (CHW) into a system that can improve patient service and provide more data about the effectiveness of care. Because of the technical challenges in an extreme rural setting, unique solutions are required. According to Cory Zue, chief technology officer of Dimagi, CouchDB went a long way toward keeping a consistent set of records under extreme circumstances. The full story will be laid out in Zue's talk at the upcoming MySQL conference, but here's a sneak peak.

You're involved with a …

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PgEast 2011 Day The Second

Well day two here at PgEast has drawn to a close and it was another
very informative day.

Today I concentrated on the more common tasks of a Pg DBA so I attended three
talks (four if you count mine) that where rather heavy on the technical side of being a Pg DBA

Keven Kempter drew me back again with his excellent talk on Backup and recovery methods
this time giving some very good advice on how to use and abuse of pg_Dump_all and
PG_restore. He also touched on three different recipes PITR on ProstgreSQL and gave some handy
advice on when and why to use it.

I also caught another Mongo talk this time by Steve Francia it was on the application of Mongo
in a real world web retail store. He presented a very convincing argument for the NoSQL side of things in
the retail realm namely that RDBMS works great when you have but a few similar products
such as books, CDs and …

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Day One at PGEast 11

I guess I brought the snow with me to New York as I awoke to a nice 10cm dump. Anyway today would best be described as a day of ‘Disruptive Tech’

I first attended Kevin Kempters intro into PorstgreSQL High Availability. A very well balanced presentation that gave a very good overview of what is available out of the box for both Warm Standbys and Hot Standbys how they can be very easily implemented. He also gave a quick overview of other tools that can be used including Slony for detailed fail-overs and PgPool for load balancing and relication. Not very disruptive but it does show that Pg is on par with most of the heavy hitters such as MySQL and Oracle.

The keynote this year was by Ed Boyajian the CEO or EnerpriseDB and he gave an big picture of the DB in terms of market which is a whopping 26$ Billion a year in the US alone of which the the two five players have 90% of the market one having more than half.

He made …

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Who/What to acquire next

Well as predicted, with Aster Data recently being picked up by Teradata most of the key new generation MPP distributed analytics vendors have been acquired (Aster Data, Vertica, Netezza & Greenplum).  This had to happen and was expected to happen.  The MPP Analytics startup “revolution” is over and these technologies will now be integrated into the mainstream.

So what’s next?  As we now, if you are a massive multi-national software company it is a lot less risky to incrementally innovate and leave the development of “game changing” technologies to startups that can be acquired after they prove both the tech and the market.  So what follows MPP? …

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What’s hot in Big Data startups?

There are so, so many big data platforms in play at the moment it can be confusing for developers to know where to start.  For startups it used to be simple, MySQL, but dust clouds were created when all the NoSQL platforms started to crash the party 18 months or so ago.  But I do see the dust begin to settle and we are starting to see some market “leaders” appear.  A very unscientific approach is to list the technologies I hear about in the “big data startup” world on a daily basis.  These are, in no particular order:

  • MySQL - yes it is still very much hanging in there despite the Oracle acquisition.  MySQL has been helped by technologies such as AWS RDS and Xeround making it more digestible for big data startups who want to minimize operational overheads.
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Are you using NoSQL databases?

We’re interested in finding out what NoSQL databases you might be using (and we include MySQL Cluster in that list when using one of its NoSQL interfaces such as the NDB API or ClusterJ).

To figure this out we’ve posted a quick poll on the home page of (go straight to the bottom-right corner of the page) – please take 30 seconds to complete it (it shouldn’t take any longer than that) if you can. In return, you can also see the latest results from the poll.

Where does HandlerSocket really save you time?

HandlerSocket has really generated a lot of interest because of the dual promises of ease-of-use and blazing-fast performance. The performance comes from eliminating CPU consumption. Akira Higuchi’s HandlerSocket presentation from a couple of months back had some really good profile results for libmysql versus libhsclient (starting at slide 15). Somebody in the audience at Percona Live asked about the profile results when using prepared statements and I’m just getting around to publishing the numbers now; I’ll reproduce the original numbers here, for reference:

libmysql (Akira’s Numbers)
samples % symbol name
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