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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Scalability (reset)
3 Ways to Boost Cloud Scalability

Deploying in the Amazon cloud is touted as a great way to achieve high scalability while paying only for the computing power you use. How do you get the best scalability from the technology?

1. Use Auto-scaling

Auto-scaling is a unique feature of cloud computing and Amazon's EC2 offering. Setup a load balancer and a couple of webservers for your application as you normally would. Design your webserver based on a template AMI that you'll reuse over and over. Then setup auto-scaling and set thresholds based on the traffic you forecast. When a threshold is passed, AWS will spinup a new instance of your webserver, and roll it into the load balancer pool automatically. Once traffic falls below the scale back threshold, Amazon will take a server out of the pool for you.

Be sure to monitor this …

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5 Ways to Boost MySQL Scalability

There are a lot of scalability challenges we see with clients over and over. The list could easily include 20, 50 or even 100 items, but we shortened it down to the biggest five issues we see.

1. Tune those queries

By far the biggest bang for your buck is query optimization. Queries can be functionally correct and meet business requirements without being stress tested for high traffic and high load. This is why we often see clients with growing pains, and scalability challenges as their site becomes more popular. This also makes sense. It wouldn't necessarily be a good use of time to tune a query for some page off in a remote corner of your site, that didn't receive real-world traffic. So some amount of reactive tuning is common and appropriate.

Enable the slow query log and watch it. Use …

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MySQL Query Engine Scalability Issues

Lately in the MySQL community, we only hear about scalability or performance improvements of storage engines, but nothing about query engine itself. For example, one classic example being InnoDB; if[...]

Create Table Like Scalability Issues

When we wanted to quickly process intermediate data by using temporary or heap tables; then its normal tendency to create a table like its source table; so people will simply opt for CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table LIKE source_table.

This is an easy and convenient way. But the problem is if you have a simple stored procedure or code module that gets executed frequently, then you might indirectly experience a slow-down in the performance if your source_table is large enough and highly contended. Things will be really worst if concurrent threads starts using the source_table or in combination of source_table and CREATE LIKE.. statements and can lead to disaster scalability issues. The main reason for the post is; I noticed from SHOW PROCESSLIST from random servers where X threads getting into WAITING for TABLE lock state for simple …

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