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Displaying posts with tag: Good practice / Bad practice (reset)
Trivia: identify this query profile

You do SHOW PROCESSLIST, and you see one of your web apps issue the following query:


What does this tell you, and what do you do next?

Dogfood: making our systems more resilient

This is a “dogfood” type story (see below for explanation of the term)… Open Query has ideas on resilient architecture which it teaches (training) and recommends (consulting, support) to clients and the general public (blog, conferences, user group talks). Like many other businesses, when we first started we set up our infrastructure quickly and on the cheap, and it’s grown since. That’s how things grow naturally, and is as always a trade-off between keeping your business running and developing while also improving infrastructure (business processes and technical).

Quite a few months ago we also started investing (mostly time) in the technical infrastructure, and slowly moving the various systems across to new servers and splitting things up along the way. Around the same time, the main webserver frequently became unresponsive. I’ll spare you the details, we know what the problem was and it was predictable, but since it wasn’t …

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Will your production MySQL server survive a restart?

Do you know if your production MySQL servers will come back up when restarted? A recent support episode illustrates a number of best practices. The task looked trivial: Update a production MySQL server (replication master) with a configuration tuned and tested on a development server. Clean shutdown, change configuration, restart. Unfortunately, the MySQL daemon did not just ‘come back’, leaving 2 sites offline. Thus begins an illuminating debugging story. First place to look is the daemon error log, which revealed that the server was segfaulting, seemingly at the end of or just after InnoDB recovery. Reverting to the previous configuration did not help, nor did changing the InnoDB recovery mode. Working with the client, we performed a failover to a replication slave, while I got a second opinion from a fellow engineer to work out what had gone wrong on the server. Since debug symbols weren’t shown in the stack trace, we needed …

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Good Practice / Bad Practice: Off-site Backups

In today’s gp/bp an open door will be kicked in: take your backups offsite!
I was actually tempted to create a poll to see how many of you do not have proper backups, and how many of you do not take those backups offsite. It is a simple piece of advice and relatively simple to set up. Offsite in this case would ideally be physically offsite: to a different server in a different building in a different location. A start however is to take them to a different server. And don’t make the mistake of thinking a different VPS on the same physical server is good enough. True, that will protect you from operating system failure of the guest, but it will likely not protect you from hardware failure, or operating system failure on the host OS.

Also, take good care of how you are getting your backups offsite. A normal FTP connection might do the job, but it is hardly secure. Ideally, use SFTP or rsync over ssh to stream your backups …

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Good Practice / Bad Practice: CREATE TABLE and the Storage Engine

When you write your create table statements, always make sure that you make them non-ambiguous. That way even though other servers might have different configurations, you make sure your table will be created in the same way.
Imagine for instance you are developing an application on a development server, nicely storing all the scripts you need to create the same database on your production server. If the same script creates a table differently on both servers, that might cause you a lot of headache later on. At Open Query, we strive to minimise (or preferrably eliminate) headaches.

One of the parts of the create table statement that has the largest impact is the storage engine specification. When you omit the storage engine from the create table statement, your table is automatically created with the default storage engine type configured for the server. Since the storage engine is a very important choice when designing your tables, …

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Ladies and gentlemen, check your assumptions

I spent some time earlier this week trying to debug a permissions problem in Drupal.

After a lot of head-scratching, it turned out that Drupal assumes that when you run INSERT queries sequentially on a table with an auto_increment integer column, the values that are assigned to this column will also be sequential, ie: 1, 2, 3, …

This might be a valid assumption when you are the only user doing inserts on a single MySQL server, but unfortunately that is not always the situation in which an application runs.

I run MySQL in a dual-master setup, which means that two sequential INSERT statements will never return sequential integers.  The value will always be determined by the  auto_increment_increment and auto_increment_offset settings in the configuration file.

In my case, one master will only assign even numbers, the other only uneven ones.

My …

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Good Practice / Bad Practice: Table Aliases

When writing queries, try making a habit out of using short table aliases, no matter how small the query is. Try using an alias that is as short as possible (one letter if possible, two or three when necessary) to avoid clutter in your queries.
Use these aliases in all places where you refer to a field, no matter if it would technically not be necessary. It will make your queries readable, and if you later need to join in other tables, you will not run the risk of ambiguous field names.

Let’s look at an example using the World database. The following two queries both select the 10 biggest cities by population in the continent of Africa, with a population between 1 and 1,5 million.

Good practice:

SELECT AS city_name,
  ci.district, AS country_name,
  Country AS co
  INNER JOIN City AS ci ON …
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