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Displaying posts with tag: Heatwave (reset)
Journée MySQL Innovation et Cloud

Next week, November 16th, I will participate to the MySQL Innovation and Cloud Virtual Day in French.

My colleagues will present what’s new in MySQL 8.0.31 and also summarize all the big news that was announced at Oracle Cloud World in Las Vegas.

Attendees will learn about the MySQL HeatWave offering in OCI.

I will be presenting something that is only available in MySQL on-prem and in OCI as a managed service: MySQL Document Store.

The event is in French and attendees will have the opportunity to discuss and chat with MySQL experts (included Olivier!!) during the event.

Registration is required to attend this free event: Register Here.

On se voit la semaine prochaine !

Analyzing queries in MySQL Database Service – Slow Query Log (part 2)

In the previous part, we created our application and our 2 functions.

Now we need to create an API Gateway to be able to call these functions from outside OCI. Using a third party scheduler, our laptop, etc…

Before creating the gateway, we need to create some policy to allow the API Gateway to call our functions. I’ve tried to create the policy after, it seems to not work as expected.


Dynamic Group

We need to create a Dynamic Group that will match our gateway:

The matching rule is checking the type of resource that should be ApiGateway and my compartment’s id:

All {resource.type='ApiGateway', = 'ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxxxx'}

Policy …

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Analyzing queries in MySQL Database Service – Slow Query Log (part 1)

In my previous post, I explained how to deal with Performance_Schema and Sys to identify the candidates for Query Optimization but also to understand the workload on the database.

In this article, we will see how we can create an OCI Fn Application that will generate a slow query log from our MySQL Database Service instance and store it to Object Storage.

The creation of the function and its use is similar to the one explained in the …

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Analyzing queries in MySQL Database Service

If like me you are an old experienced MySQL DBA, to analyze your MySQL workload, you certainly have used the slow query log with long_query_time set to 0.

The slow query log is a file that contains all the queries whose execution time is greater than the value of long_query_time. This file can be huge and uses up all available disk space on busy systems.

Constantly writing to that file can also add an overhead to the server.

For those reasons, the slow query log is not available in MySQL Database Service (HeatWave) in OCI.

Plan B ?

As a DBA, what are my options for finding the queries that need to be optimized? As usual, the queries that consume the most time are the ones that need some attention

It can be a very long query or a short query executed too many times.

Currently the MySQL DBAs use …

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Define your MySQL Configuration Variables on OCI with Terraform

With Terraform OCI provider 4.90.0 (released August 24th, 2022), we have added the possibility to specify the value of editable configuration variables directly from Terraform.

These variables must be defined in a resource of type oci_mysql_mysql_configuration like this:

resource "oci_mysql_mysql_configuration" "mds_mysql_configuration" {
        compartment_id = var.compartment_ocid
    shape_name   = var.mysql_shape

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MySQL Summit at Oracle CloudWorld

This fall, from October 16 to 20, the MySQL Summit will be held in La Vegas.

This conference is totally dedicated to your favorite dolphin database and is part of Oracle CloudWorld.

MySQL Summit will bring together a large community of new and expert MySQL users.

Attendees will be able to meet the engineers, product managers and developers who make MySQL the number one open source database in the world!

MySQL Summit will be different from MySQL’s previous appearances at Oracle OpenWorld, for the summit, we, as MySQL Team, users of MySQL… MySQL Community, will have more sessions, dedicated tracks and more !

The call for papers is now open until June 24, 2022.

CfP is extented !

The Call for Papers ends on June 30th !

If you …

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Deploying Apache Airflow on OCI with MySQL HeatWave Database Service

Apache Airflow is an open-source workflow management platform for data engineering pipelines.

Today we will see how we can deploy very easily Apache Airflow on a Compute instance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) using MySQL HeatWave Database Service (MDS).

I am sharing Terraform modules you can use to deploy in your architecture:


With the modules you can deploy architectures like these:

with a single MDS instancewith MDS High Availabilitywith HeatWave Cluster

We will use the exact same modules built into a stack for OCI’s Resource Manager. This will allow us to deploy the architecture just in few clicks.


We open in a browser the following GitHub repository: …

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Live Migration from Azure Database for MySQL to MySQL Database Service on OCI

MySQL Database Service on OCI is all over the tech news with the latest HeatWave ML announcement [1][2][3][4][5].

This article explains how to perform a live migration of your Azure/MySQL to OCI/MySQL.

As Azure allows public connections directly to the database, this is what …

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Deploying Nextcloud on Oracle Cloud with MySQL Database Service and Object Storage

If like me you like to share some data between all your devices (presentations, keypassX file, pictures, …), you probably use a cloud platform to store all that.

I do like to keep control of such solution, I used ownCloud and now I’m using Nextcloud.

In this article I will show you how to easily deploy Nextcloud on Oracle Cloud (OCI) using MySQL Database Service (MDS) and Object Storage.

The easiest way to deploy solutions on OCI is to use Terraform and Resource Manager’s Stack.

If you already have an account on Oracle …

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Apache Zeppelin on Oracle Cloud with MySQL HeatWave

On the previous article we saw how to easily deploy Apache Zeppelin on OCI with MySQL using Terraform.

In this article we will see how we can accelerate queries enabling MySQL HeatWave.

Enabling HeatWave

If you used a MySQL Database Service Shape compatible with HeatWave (MySQL.HeatWave.VM.Standard.E3), using the same Resource Manager Stack, you have the possibility to enable HeatWave and deploy a HeatWave Cluster for your MySQL.

The first think to do, is to edit the previous applied stack:

As we used a HeatWave compatible shape, we have the choice to deploy a HeatWave Cluster and we can choose it:

Save and Apply… the HeatWave cluster will be added:

If you …

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