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Displaying posts with tag: community (reset)

We received feedback from a number of users in the MySQL community that the command SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX remains useful in a number of scenarios. We listened, and the command is scheduled to make a return in MySQL 5.7.8.

To lessen overhead, the command will now feature a mechanism to enable and disable metrics collection. This is documented in the manual here:

SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_enable='latch';
SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_disable='latch';

Thank you for helping make a better MySQL!

A quick update on our native Data Dictionary

In July 2014, I wrote that we were working on a new native InnoDB data dictionary to replace MySQL's legacy frm files.

This is quite possibly the largest internals change to MySQL in modern history, and will unlock a number of previous limitations, as well as simplify a number of failure states for both replication and crash recovery.

With MySQL 5.7 approaching release candidate (and large changes always coming with risk attached) we decided that the timing to try to merge in a new data dictionary was just too tight. The data dictionary development is still alive and well, but it will not ship as part of MySQL 5.7.

So please stay tuned for updates... and thank you for using MySQL!

News from the third MariaDB Foundation Board Meeting this year

The MariaDB Foundation Board has been meeting monthly since February and on Monday this week had the third meeting of the year. Here is an update on a couple of things from the meeting.

We’re happy to announce that has renewed their support to the foundation. As a major corporate sponsor has been offered a seat on the Foundation board. nominated Eric Herman.  Eric has a history with MySQL dating from 2004 where he joined MySQL working on the server and tools.  In 2010, Eric joined where he works on database scaling challenges and BigData. As a community member, he has contributed to the perl MySQL client driver, the perl interpreter, and other Free Software.  To represent community and industry interests in line with the Foundation mission, Eric Herman has joined the Board.

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SSL/TLS in MySQL 5.7

MySQL 5.7 aims to be the most secure MySQL Server release ever, and that means some significant changes in SSL/TLS.  This post aims to tie together individual enhancements introduced over the span of several Development Milestone Releases (DMRs) into the larger initiative.  In the simplest terms, we hope to have a minimal TLS configuration enabled by default, and for connections to prefer TLS by default.  Let’s dig into the various aspects of this:

Generation of TLS key material

MySQL Server has long supported TLS connections, yet very few deployments are actually configured to leverage this.  This is partly because creation of key material – the certificates and keys needed to establish TLS connections – is a multi-step, extra, manual process.  Basic TLS concepts have to be understood, third-party software …

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Building a better CREATE USER command

Prior to MySQL 5.7, the CREATE USER command had a number of limitations:

  • No way to set both authentication plugin and password
  • No way to disable a user
  • No way to define user resource limitations
  • No way to set a non-default password expiration policy
  • No way to require SSL/x509

All of these things could be done through other means, but typically involved other statements, such as GRANT commands.  Starting with MySQL 5.7.6, these can all be done through a new and improved CREATE USER syntax:

Passwords and authentication plugin

The most important aspect to me, from a security perspective, is the ability to now create user accounts with non-default authentication plugins (like sha256_password) and a non-blank password:

mysql> CREATE USER new@localhost
-> IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_password …

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Emulating roles with expanded proxy user support in 5.7.7

MySQL has provided support for proxy users since version 5.5, but the roles-like capabilities offered have been largely unnoticed until recently.  Part of that has been due to limitations on which types of accounts could leverage proxy user capabilities.  This changes with the release of MySQL Server 5.7.7 (Release Candidate), which includes support for proxy user mapping for the standard mysql_native_password and sha256_password authentication plugins.  This post will introduce the new functionality and explain how to leverage it to emulate certain features …

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Select from a mariaDB table into JSON format ?

Can we output content of a mariaDB table into JSON using the CONNECT Storage Engine ? MariaDB and MySQL are not currently JSON friendly databases. The usage of JSON in MySQL is almost inexistent with the excetion of the explain JSON output and of MariaDB dynamic column dump. There also exist a few udf (in [...]

Making the case to support +2 version upgrades

In the MySQL team, we have always had a requirement to support upgrades from one major version. For example:

  • Upgrading from MySQL 5.5 to 5.6 is supported.
  • Upgrading from MySQL 5.1 to 5.6 is not supported.

Downgrades are also supported for one major version. For example, if a user upgrades to 5.6 but discovers that it is not working as expected, they have the safety knowing that there is a way to step back to MySQL 5.5. This may come with some limits; for example when new features (such as new row formats or page checksums) are enabled, this may no longer be possible.

Today I wanted to discuss a current non-requirement. We do not support skipping major versions, such as upgrading from MySQL 5.1 to 5.6. Justin however makes the …

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Plan to remove sql-bench from MySQL 5.7

In the MySQL team, we are planning to remove sql-bench from the MySQL 5.7 sources.

As the README file denotes, SQL Bench is a benchmark utility that supports MySQL 3.20 and 3.21, PostgreSQL 6.#, mSQL 2.# and Solid Server 2.2. It has not been well maintained for recent versions, and we are no longer using it internally as part of our testing process.

Our aim in making this change is to:

  • Improve the manageability of our git repository by reducing its size.
  • By keeping unmaintained code bundled with MySQL, it can lead users into negative impressions of our product. We have worked very hard at improving stability, and want to remove lurking pitfalls for our users.

The source code to sql-bench will remain in the …

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Proposal to deprecate "compatibility" SQL Modes

In the MySQL team, we are currently discussing deprecating several of the SQL mode options which are used by mysqldump to change the output format. From the mysqldump command:

$ mysqldump --help
 Change the dump to be compatible with a given mode. By
 default tables are dumped in a format optimized for
 MySQL. Legal modes are: ansi, mysql323, mysql40,
 postgresql, oracle, mssql, db2, maxdb, no_key_options,
 no_table_options, no_field_options. One can use several
 modes separated by commas. Note: Requires MySQL server
 version 4.1.0 or higher. This option is ignored with
 earlier server versions.

To explain the rationale for this proposal:

  1. The options mysql323, mysql40 are designed to allow mysqldump to create an output format that can be restored on a MySQL Server of version 3.23 or 4.0. While we aim to support the upgrade case from these versions, supporting a downgrade is not something we …
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