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Poorman’s MySQL table audit information

Today, somebody asked me how he could track the creation of a record (who created it and when) and who and when it was last modified.

Usually, this is performed in a different table, called audit table. In MySQL you can create an audit table and populate it using triggers.

But of course, this person had some constraints, otherwise it would have been too easy:

  1. no other table could be used/created
  2. the application should keep working without any changes

He was desperate for help…

MySQL 8.0 Invisible Columns

The answer is : Invisible Columns.

Let’s have a look at a simple table, containing an ID as primary key, a first name and a last name. And of course the application must work as expected… and unfortunately, it seems the application is …

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WHERE Condition in MySQL with 16 Different Query Examples

In this article, we are going to talk about the WHERE clause and how to use it in MySQL. Besides SELECT, the scope of the WHERE clause includes the UPDATE and DELETE statements. The WHERE clause is indispensable for quality work with MySQL databases. That’s why the current article will deal with this clause and […]

The post WHERE Condition in MySQL with 16 Different Query Examples appeared first on Devart Blog.

How to modify a JSON field in SQL ?

Let’s start with some info about how MySQL Document Store handles JSON documents.

Document Store and CRUD

We know that MySQL 8.0 Document Store handles JSON documents with CRUD operations. We can add, delete and modify those documents very easily:

 JS >db.mycollection.find()
    "_id": "0000624d3e890000000000000001",
    "name": "my_iot1",
    "type": "sensor",
    "capabilities": "{'temperature':'true','humidity':'true'}"
    "_id": "0000624d3e890000000000000002",
    "name": "my_iot2",
    "type": "sensor",
    "capabilities": "{'temperature':'true'}"
2 documents in set (0.0007 sec)

To modify a document, the modify method can be used in different ways:

As illustrate above, we have:

  • set()
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Hidden Cost of Foreign Key Constraints in MySQL

Do you wonder if MySQL tells you the truth about writes to tables that have foreign key constraints? The situation is complex, and getting visibility on what is really happening can be a problem.

I found this issue intriguing and decided to share and highlight some examples.

Query Plan

Let us take this example table:

CREATE TABLE `product` (
  `category` int NOT NULL,
  `id` int NOT NULL,
  `price` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`category`,`id`)

We want to know how costly an example UPDATE against this table will be:

mysql > EXPLAIN update product set id=id+1 where id=65032158 and category=3741760\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: UPDATE
        table: product
   partitions: NULL
         type: range
possible_keys: PRIMARY
          key: PRIMARY
      key_len: 8
          ref: const,const
         rows: 1 …
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Migrating to utf8mb4: Things to Consider

The utf8mb4 character set is the new default as of MySQL 8.0, and this change neither affects existing data nor forces any upgrades.

Migration to utf8mb4 has many advantages including:

  • It can store more symbols, including emojis
  • It has new collations for Asian languages
  • It is faster than utf8mb3

Still, you may wonder how migration affects your existing data. This blog covers multiple aspects of it.

Storage Requirements

As the name suggests, the maximum number of bytes that one character can take with character set utf8mb4 is four bytes. This is larger than the requirements for utf8mb3 which takes three bytes and many other MySQL character sets.

Fortunately, utf8mb3 is a subset of …

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MySQL : events_waits_current – who is waiting and who is on CPU

Anyone familiar with Oracle performance tuning knows about ASH , aka active session history. ASH saves a history of every session that is active every collection, which by default is once per second. Once per second is fast enough to give a clear view of database load.

The ASH data comes from v$session which is a structure that contains information on every connection and shows which connections are active, what SQL they are running (SQL_ID) and if they are runnable on CPU or waiting on a wait_event for some resource like an I/O to complete or a lock or latch. It’s a pretty simple select query on v$session to select who is active,  their wait_event and SQL_ID.

On Oracle that gives us a query like:

select sid||':'||serial# session_id,
       s.sql_id||':'||sql_child_number sqlid,
       decode(state, 'WAITING', wait_class||':'||event, 'CPU') event
from v$session s
where   (( s.wait_time != 0  /* on CPU  */ …
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Okta – Percona’s statement

On 22nd March 2022 08:43 UTC, we became aware of the issue affecting Okta, a third-party identity provider that Percona uses for Initially, there was no statement from Okta, so our Security Operations team reviewed the information available from LAPSUS$ and other public sources.

Based on the public information available about the issue, we evaluated the potential exposure to Percona and determined that the impact was minimal. Percona uses Okta integrations so can be used to authenticate against Percona’s deployments of:

  • (Discourse)
  • (ServiceNow) 
  • (Dashboard portal interface where users & clients can add their PMM integration). 

Integrations of …

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MySQL -> what to do with NESTING_EVENT_ID

How does one use  NESTING_EVENT_ID?

Below I’ve selected from  events_waits_history_long for a single thread, but none of the  NESTING_EVENT_ID values show up in EVENT_ID or END_EVENT_ID.

To simplify things , I’m just showing the data for one THREAD_ID listed in order of TIMER_START.

mysql>  select 
            THREAD_ID in ( select max(thread_id) from performance_schema.events_waits_history_long where …
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A Dive Into MySQL Multi-Threaded Replication

For a very long part of its history, MySQL replication has been limited in terms of performance. Because there was no way of knowing if transactions or updates were independent, the updates had to be executed on a replica following the exact same sequence of operations as on the primary server. The only way to guarantee the same sequence of operations on the replica was to use a single thread. In this post, we’ll do a dive into the MySQL multi-threaded replication (MTR) implementation and explore the available tuning options.

MTR is the culmination of the evolution in the development of parallel replication which followed the path:

  1. Single-threaded replication
  2. Per-database replication
  3. Logical clock replication

We’ll leave aside, for now, the recent dependency tracking feature.


Before we discuss the multi-threaded implementation, let’s review in …

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Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value

I record this for posteriority without much comment.

The error message “Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value” when issued by MySQL can be a confused parser, and masks unintended barely legal syntax:

kris@localhost [kris]> select * from testtable;
| id | d    |
|  1 | eins |
|  2 | zwei |
|  3 | drei |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
kris@localhost [kris]> update testtable set d="vier" and id = 4 where id = 3;
ERROR 1292 (22007): Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'vier'

The actual problem here is the incorrect use of and in the set-clause of the update statement when a comma was intended.

kris@localhost [kris]> update testtable set d="vier", id = 4 where id = 3;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

Technically, an and is possible and legal, if you …

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