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Displaying posts with tag: Programming (reset)
Micro-benchmarking pthread_cond_broadcast()

In my work on group commit for MariaDB, I have the following situation:

A group of threads are going to participate in group commit. This means that one of the threads, called the group leader, will run an fsync() for all of them, while the other threads wait. Once the group leader is done, it needs to wake up all of the other threads.

The obvious way to do this is to have the group leader call pthread_cond_broadcast() on a condition that the other threads are waiting for with pthread_cond_wait():

  bool wakeup= false;
  pthread_cond_t wakeup_cond;
  pthread_mutex_t wakeup_mutex


  while (!wakeup)
    pthread_cond_wait(&wakeup_cond, &wakeup_mutex);
  // Continue processing after group commit …
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Micro-benchmarking pthread_cond_broadcast()

In my work on group commit for MariaDB, I have the following situation:

A group of threads are going to participate in group commit. This means that one of the threads, called the group leader, will run an fsync() for all of them, while the other threads wait. Once the group leader is done, it needs to wake up all of the other threads.

The obvious way to do this is to have the group leader call pthread_cond_broadcast() on a condition that the other threads are waiting for with pthread_cond_wait():

  bool wakeup= false;
  pthread_cond_t wakeup_cond;
  pthread_mutex_t wakeup_mutex


  while (!wakeup)
    pthread_cond_wait(&wakeup_cond, &wakeup_mutex);
  // Continue processing after group commit …
[Read more] – configuring OpenBSD for MySQL benchmarking

Here are some quick commands for installing the proper packages and requirements for the MySQL dbbenchmark program.

export PKG_PATH=""
pkg_add -i -v wget
pkg_add -i -v python
Ambiguous: choose package for python
 a       0: 
         1: python-2.4.6p2
         2: python-2.5.4p3
         3: python-2.6.3p1
Your choice: 2

pkg_add -i -v py-mysql
pkg_add -i -v mysql
pkg_add -i -v mysql-server
ln -s /usr/local/bin/python2.5 /usr/bin/python
gzip -d dbbenchmark-version-0.1.beta_rev26.tar.gz
tar -xvf dbbenchmark-version-0.1.beta_rev26.tar
cd dbbenchmark-version-0.1.beta_rev26
./ --print-sql
 - login to mysql and execute sql commands
./ – Debian Lenny, MEMORY_ACTIVE bug fix

Quick solution to an issue that the affected Debian Lenny release: the process used to collect the MEMORY_ACTIVE_BYTES variable has been modified to correct a situation where some systems report an array of memory information instead of the expected single integer value. The bug has been fixed in revision 21 and the current download (revision 22) is available for download or svn update. As usual, you can download the MySQL dbbenchmark script here: [downloads].

Thanks goes to Brian Vowell at for bringing this bug to my attention. The original bug report can be found here: [link]

Easy Python: multi-threading MySQL queries

There are many times when writing an application that single threaded database operations are simply too slow. In these cases it’s a matter of course that you’ll use multi-threading or forking to spawn secondary processes to handle the database actions. In this simple example for Python multi-threading you’ll see the how simple it is to improve the performance of your python app.

## DATE: 2010-08-30
## AUTHOR: Matt Reid
## Copyright 2010-present Matt Reid

from __future__ import division
from socket import gethostname;
import threading
import sys
import os
import MySQLdb

class threader(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self,method):
        self.tx =
        self.method = method
    def run(self):

def run_insert():
    sql = "INSERT INTO table (`id`,`A`,`B`,`C`) VALUES …
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Easy Python: display LVM details in XML

If you need to work with LVM in your scripts but haven’t found a good method to access details about Logical Volume Groups, here’s a simple Python script that will print the details about any volumes on your system. This could be useful for writing a partition check script for your MySQL data directory (if you’re not using a standard monitoring system like Nagios).

import sys
import os
import commands
import subprocess
import select

def lvm():
    print ""
    LVM_PATH = "/sbin"
    LVM_BIN = os.path.join(LVM_PATH, 'lvm')
    argv = list()

    process = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    output = ""
    out = process.stdout.readline()
    output += out
    lines = …
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Easy Python: MySQL connection and iteration

If you’ve been looking for a simple python script to use with MySQL that you can use to expand upon for your next project, check this one out. It has error handling for the connection, error handling for the sql call, and loop iteration for the rows returned.

import sys
import MySQLdb

my_host = "localhost"
my_user = "user"
my_pass = "password"
my_db = "test"

    db = MySQLdb.connect(host=my_host, user=my_user, passwd=my_pass, db=my_db)
except MySQLdb.Error, e:
     print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
     sys.exit (1)

cursor = db.cursor()
sql = "select column1, column2 from table";
results = cursor.fetchall()
for row in results:
    column1 = row[0]
    column2 = row[1]
    print "column1: %s, column2: %s"%(column1,column2)

N900 – control all of your accounts with this script

If you own a Nokia N900 cellular device you might be interested in the ability to control all of your IM accounts from the command line. For those that do not know, the N900 runs Maemo Linux and is capable of running MySQL embedded if you so choose. Here’s a quick script I wrote to provide that functionality for IM accounts. It’s at the bottom of the page, called “im-connections”.


MySQL/MariaDB replication: applying events on the slave side

Working on a new set of replication APIs in MariaDB, I have given some thought to the generation of replication events on the master server.

But there is another side of the equation: to apply the generated events on a slave server. This is something that most replication setups will need (unless they replicate to non-MySQL/MariaDB slaves). So it will be good to provide a generic interface for this, otherwise every binlog-like plugin implementation will have to re-invent this themselves.

A central idea in the current design for generating events is that we do not enforce a specific content of events. Instead, the API provides accessors for a lot of different information related to each event, allowing the plugin flexibility in choosing what to include in a …

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Dissecting the MySQL replication binlog events

For the replication project that I am currently working on in MariaDB, I wanted to understand exactly what information is needed to do full replication of all MySQL/MariaDB statements on the level of completeness that existing replication does. So I went through the code, and this is what I found.

What I am after here is a complete list of what the execution engine needs to provide to have everything that a replication system needs to be able to completely replicate all changes made on a master server. But not anything specific to the particular implementation of replication used, like binlog positions or replication event disk formats, etc.

The basic information needed is of course the query (for statement-based replication), or the column values (for row-based replication). But there are lots of extra details needed, especially for statement-based …

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Showing entries 121 to 130 of 289
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