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Displaying posts with tag: webstack (reset)
Sun's Cloud Computing Portfolio

Update: Sun has expanded its Cloud Computing portfolio with the recent acquisition of Qlayer, a cloud computing company that automates the deployment and management of both public and private clouds.  The Q-layer organization, based in Belgium, is now part of Sun's Cloud Computing business unit which develops and integrates cloud computing technologies, architectures and services.

Cloud computing is about managing petascale data. Sun's server and storage systems can radically improve the data-intensive computing emerging in the cloud. Some clouds are closed platforms that lock you in. Sun's open source philosophy and Java principles form the core of a strategy that provides interoperability for large-scale computing resources. Sun's virtualization solutions for advanced …

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Sun's Cloud Computing Portfolio

Update: Sun has expanded its Cloud Computing portfolio with the recent acquisition of Qlayer, a cloud computing company that automates the deployment and management of both public and private clouds.  The Q-layer organization, based in Belgium, is now part of Sun's Cloud Computing business unit which develops and integrates cloud computing technologies, architectures and services.

Cloud computing is about managing petascale data. Sun's server and storage systems can radically improve the data-intensive computing emerging in the cloud. Some clouds are closed platforms that lock you in. Sun's open source philosophy and Java principles form the core of a strategy that provides interoperability for large-scale computing resources. Sun's virtualization solutions for advanced …

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Sun's Cloud Computing Portfolio

Update: Sun has expanded its Cloud Computing portfolio with the recent acquisition of Qlayer, a cloud computing company that automates the deployment and management of both public and private clouds.  The Q-layer organization, based in Belgium, is now part of Sun's Cloud Computing business unit which develops and integrates cloud computing technologies, architectures and services.

Cloud computing is about managing petascale data. Sun's server and storage systems can radically improve the data-intensive computing emerging in the cloud. Some clouds are closed platforms that lock you in. Sun's open source philosophy and Java principles form the core of a strategy that provides interoperability for large-scale computing resources. Sun's virtualization solutions for advanced …

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Cool Stack 1.3 is here

It's finally here. Before you download the release, please do read the documentation. It's over a month late, but hopefully the features will compensate for the delay.
Almost every single component in the stack has been upgraded. Two new packages, CSKpython and CSKnginx have been added. And yes - the python package does include mod_python too.
You can read about the full list of changes in the Changelog.


Significant changes have been made to the ruby package. In addition to the upgrade to ruby1.8.6p114, we include a number of gems, notably mysql, postgres and mongrel. It should also be easy to install any new gem …

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Cool Stack 1.3 is here

It's finally here. Before you download the release, please do read the documentation. It's over a month late, but hopefully the features will compensate for the delay.
Almost every single component in the stack has been upgraded. Two new packages, CSKpython and CSKnginx have been added. And yes - the python package does include mod_python too.
You can read about the full list of changes in the Changelog.


Significant changes have been made to the ruby package. In addition to the upgrade to ruby1.8.6p114, we include a number of gems, notably mysql, postgres and mongrel. It should also be easy to install any new gem …

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Cool Stack 1.3 is here

It's finally here. Before you download the release, please do read the documentation. It's over a month late, but hopefully the features will compensate for the delay.
Almost every single component in the stack has been upgraded. Two new packages, CSKpython and CSKnginx have been added. And yes - the python package does include mod_python too.
You can read about the full list of changes in the Changelog.


Significant changes have been made to the ruby package. In addition to the upgrade to ruby1.8.6p114, we include a number of gems, notably mysql, postgres and mongrel. It should also be easy to install any new gem …

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Where is 1.3?

I know many of you may be wondering why Cool Stack 1.3 isn't out yet, so I thought I'd post an update on where we are with the release. When I first started talking about this, I was hoping to get the release out in early May. But several things have colluded to cause a delay.

  1. We took on a lot for this release. Although just looking at the proposal, it may seem like a simple matter to just update the versions of the various components, underneath the hood, we decided to do a lot more streamlining of the build and packaging process.  Since so many version updates were involved, that also meant more legal approvals.
  2. We have a more formal QA process for this release (and for future releases). The good news is that this means we will have a more quality release, but the bad news is that it now takes more time as we have to …
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Where is 1.3?

I know many of you may be wondering why Cool Stack 1.3 isn't out yet, so I thought I'd post an update on where we are with the release. When I first started talking about this, I was hoping to get the release out in early May. But several things have colluded to cause a delay.

  1. We took on a lot for this release. Although just looking at the proposal, it may seem like a simple matter to just update the versions of the various components, underneath the hood, we decided to do a lot more streamlining of the build and packaging process.  Since so many version updates were involved, that also meant more legal approvals.
  2. We have a more formal QA process for this release (and for future releases). The good news is that this means we will have a more quality release, but the bad news is that it now takes more time as we have to …
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Where is 1.3?

I know many of you may be wondering why Cool Stack 1.3 isn't out yet, so I thought I'd post an update on where we are with the release. When I first started talking about this, I was hoping to get the release out in early May. But several things have colluded to cause a delay.

  1. We took on a lot for this release. Although just looking at the proposal, it may seem like a simple matter to just update the versions of the various components, underneath the hood, we decided to do a lot more streamlining of the build and packaging process.  Since so many version updates were involved, that also meant more legal approvals.
  2. We have a more formal QA process for this release (and for future releases). The good news is that this means we will have a more quality release, but the bad news is that it now takes more time as we have to …
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Cool Stack 1.2 Released

Finally, it's here. We missed our October 31 deadline, but hopefully that won't matter when you see the contents of the release.

Short summary of changes in the 1.2 release.

You can download the new packages from the Sun Download Center.

Some caveats to be aware of :

  • These packages will over-write Cool Stack 1.1 packages that you may already have installed. All packages continue to install in /opt/coolstack but some of the package names have been changed. Thus, pkgadd(1M) will not know that the new CSKapache2 package will install in /opt/coolstack/apache2 and over-write the contents from a previous Cool Stack 1.1 installation of CSKamp. So, please do save your current installation. A detailed …
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Showing entries 11 to 20 of 25
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