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Displaying posts with tag: webstack (reset)
Cool Stack 1.2 Released

Finally, it's here. We missed our October 31 deadline, but hopefully that won't matter when you see the contents of the release.

Short summary of changes in the 1.2 release.

You can download the new packages from the Sun Download Center.

Some caveats to be aware of :

  • These packages will over-write Cool Stack 1.1 packages that you may already have installed. All packages continue to install in /opt/coolstack but some of the package names have been changed. Thus, pkgadd(1M) will not know that the new CSKapache2 package will install in /opt/coolstack/apache2 and over-write the contents from a previous Cool Stack 1.1 installation of CSKamp. So, please do save your current installation. A detailed …
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Cool Stack 1.2 Released

Finally, it's here. We missed our October 31 deadline, but hopefully that won't matter when you see the contents of the release.

Short summary of changes in the 1.2 release.

You can download the new packages from the Sun Download Center.

Some caveats to be aware of :

  • These packages will over-write Cool Stack 1.1 packages that you may already have installed. All packages continue to install in /opt/coolstack but some of the package names have been changed. Thus, pkgadd(1M) will not know that the new CSKapache2 package will install in /opt/coolstack/apache2 and over-write the contents from a previous Cool Stack 1.1 installation of CSKamp. So, please do save your current installation. A detailed …
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Cool Stack 1.1.1 contents

We are currently working on Cool Stack 1.1.1 which will have the following components updated, in addition to fixing known bugs :

  • Apache 2.2.6 : Add mod_proxy, mod_fcgid, SMF support
  • PHP 5.2.4      : Add dtrace extension, add new fastcgi version for use with non-Apache webservers
  • APC 3.0.14
  • Suhosin 0.9.20
  • MySQL 5.0.45: Add SMF support
  • Perl 5.8.8       : Add Sys:Syslog, DBI, DBD-mysql extensions
  • memcached 1.2.2
  • squid 2.6
  • tomcat 5.5.23

I would love to get feedback on this. Is your favorite module/extension missing ? Are there bugs/issues you have run into that haven't been reported on the forum ?

Cool Stack 1.1.1 contents

We are currently working on Cool Stack 1.1.1 which will have the following components updated, in addition to fixing known bugs :

  • Apache 2.2.6 : Add mod_proxy, mod_fcgid, SMF support
  • PHP 5.2.4      : Add dtrace extension, add new fastcgi version for use with non-Apache webservers
  • APC 3.0.14
  • Suhosin 0.9.20
  • MySQL 5.0.45: Add SMF support
  • Perl 5.8.8       : Add Sys:Syslog, DBI, DBD-mysql extensions
  • memcached 1.2.2
  • squid 2.6
  • tomcat 5.5.23

I would love to get feedback on this. Is your favorite module/extension missing ? Are there bugs/issues you have run into that haven't been reported on the forum ?

Cool Stack 1.1.1 contents

We are currently working on Cool Stack 1.1.1 which will have the following components updated, in addition to fixing known bugs :

  • Apache 2.2.6 : Add mod_proxy, mod_fcgid, SMF support
  • PHP 5.2.4      : Add dtrace extension, add new fastcgi version for use with non-Apache webservers
  • APC 3.0.14
  • Suhosin 0.9.20
  • MySQL 5.0.45: Add SMF support
  • Perl 5.8.8       : Add Sys:Syslog, DBI, DBD-mysql extensions
  • memcached 1.2.2
  • squid 2.6
  • tomcat 5.5.23

I would love to get feedback on this. Is your favorite module/extension missing ? Are there bugs/issues you have run into that haven't been reported on the forum ?

Showing entries 21 to 25
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