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Displaying posts with tag: queries (reset)
Webinar Wednesday July 5, 2017: Indexes – What You Need to Know to Get the Most Out of Them

Join Percona’s Senior Architect, Matthew Boehm, as he presents Indexes – What You Need to Know to Get the Most Out of Them on Wednesday, July 5, 2017 at 8:00 am PDT / 11:00 am EDT (UTC-7).

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Proper indexing is key to database performance. Find out how MySQL uses indexes for query execution, and then how to come up with an optimal index strategy. In this session, you’ll also learn how to know when you need an index, and also how to get rid of indexes that you don’t need to speed up queries.

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Correct Index Choices for Equality + LIKE Query Optimization

As part of our support services, we do a lot of query optimization. This is where most performance gains come from. Here’s an example of the work we do.

Some days ago a customer arrived with the following table:

CREATE TABLE `infamous_table` (
  `member_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `email` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `msg_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `t2send` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `flag` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `sent` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `f` (`flag`),
  KEY `email` (`email`),
  KEY `msg_type` (`msg_type`(5)),
  KEY `t_msg` (`t2send`,`msg_type`(5))

And a query that looked like this:

  FROM `infamous_table`
 WHERE `t2send` > 1234
   AND …
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Percona Live Featured Tutorial with Øystein Grøvlen — How to Analyze and Tune MySQL Queries for Better Performance

Welcome to another post in the series of Percona Live featured tutorial speakers blogs! In these blogs, we’ll highlight some of the tutorial speakers that will be at this year’s Percona Live conference. We’ll also discuss how these tutorials can help you improve your database environment. Make sure to read to the end to get a special Percona Live 2017 registration bonus!

In this Percona Live featured tutorial, we’ll meet Øystein Grøvlen, Senior Principal Software Engineer at Oracle. His tutorial is on How to Analyze and Tune MySQL Queries for Better Performance. SQL query …

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SQL injection in the MySQL server (of the proxy kind!)

As work on WarpSQL (Shard-Query 3) progresses, it has outgrown MySQL proxy.  MySQL proxy is a very useful tool, but it requires LUA scripting, and it is an external daemon that needs to be maintained.  The MySQL proxy module for Shard-Query works well, but to make WarpSQL into a real distributed transaction coordinator, moving the proxy logic inside of the server makes more sense.

The main benefit of MySQL proxy is that it allows a script to “inject” queries between the client and server, intercepting the results and possibly sending back new results to the client.  I would like similar functionality, but inside of the server.

For example, I would like to implement new SHOW commands, and these commands do not need to be implemented as actual MySQL SHOW commands under the covers.

For example, for this blog post I made a new example command called “SHOW PASSWORD

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Is MySQL X faster than MySQL Y? – Ask queryprofiler

When trying out new software there are many other questions you may ask and one of those is going to be the one above. The answer requires you to have built your software to capture and record low level database metrics and often the focus of application developers is slightly different: they focus on how … Continue reading Is MySQL X faster than MySQL Y? – Ask queryprofiler

The post Is MySQL X faster than MySQL Y? – Ask queryprofiler first appeared on Simon J Mudd's Blog.

Speed up GROUP BY queries with subselects in MySQL

We usually try to avoid subselects because sometimes they force the use of a temporary table and limits the use of indexes. But, when is good to use a subselect?

This example was tested over table a (1310723 rows), b, c and d ( 5 rows each) and with MySQL version 5.5 and 5.6.

Let’s suppose we have a query like this:

select,sum(a.count) aSum,avg(a.position) aAVG,b.col1,c.col2,d.col3
a join
b on ( = join
c on (a.cid = join
d on (a.did =
group by,,,

What will MySQL do? First it will take the entire data set – this means that will go through each row scanning the value of  “bid,” “cid” and “did” and then apply the join to each table. At this point it has the complete data set and then it will start to cluster it, executing the sum and the average functions.

Let’s analyze it step by step:

  1. Scan each row of  table a which …
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Percona XtraDB Cluster: Quorum and Availability of the cluster

Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) has become a popular option to provide high availability for MySQL servers. However many people are still having a hard time understanding what will happen to the cluster when one or several nodes leave the cluster (gracefully or ungracefully). This is what we will clarify in this post.

Nodes leaving gracefully

Let’s assume we have a 3-node cluster and all nodes have an equal weight, which is the default.

What happens if Node1 is gracefully stopped (service mysql stop)? When shutting down, Node1 will instruct the other nodes that it is leaving the cluster. We now have a 2-node cluster and the remaining members have 2/2 = 100% of the votes. The cluster keeps running normally.

What happens now if Node2 is gracefully stopped? Same thing, Node3 knows that Node2 is no longer part of the …

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Building Queries Systematically

The SQL language is a bit like a toolkit for data. It consists of lots of little fiddly bits of syntax that, taken together, allow you to build complex edifices and return powerful results. For the uninitiated, the many tools can be quite confusing, and it's sometimes difficult to decide how to go about the process of building non-trivial queries, that is, queries that are more than a simple SELECT a, b FROM c;

A System for Building Queries

When you're building queries, you could use a system like the following: 

  1. Decide which fields contain the values you want to use in our output, and how you wish to alias those fields
    1. Values you want to see in your output
    2. Values you want to use in calculations . For example, to calculate margin on a product, you could calculate price - cost and give it the alias margin.
    3. Values you want …
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What kind of queries are bad for MySQL?

In writing a recommendation for our Web development team on how to use MySQL, I came up with the following list, which I want to share: What kind of queries are bad for MySQL?

  • Any query is bad. Send a query only if you must. (Hint: use caching like memcache or redis)
  • Queries that examine many rows are bad. Try instead to use…
        SELECT col1 FROM table1 WHERE primary_key_column=SOMETHING

    . Or at least

    . If it is still not possible, try to make the query examine the least amount of rows possible (zero is ideal, as we come to the first case here)
  • Queries with JOINS are bad. Try to denormalize the table to avoid JOINS. Example: original query
        SELECT t2.value FROM t2 JOIN t1 ON ( WHERE t1.orderdate=NOW()

    . This can be denormalized by copying the column orderdate from table …
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Get the database size, free space and last update

To get the current database size just by querying into your query browser or CLI from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database in table TABLES.

SELECT table_schema "Data Base Name",
sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024 / 1024 "Data Base Size in MB"
FROM information_schema.TABLES
GROUP BY table_schema ;

Get the database free space

SELECT table_schema "Data Base Name",
sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024 / 1024 "Data Base Size in MB",
sum( data_free )/ 1024 / 1024 "Free Space in MB"
FROM information_schema.TABLES
GROUP BY table_schema;

Get the database last update ordered by update time then by create time.

ORDER BY 1, 2;

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