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Displaying posts with tag: open source databases (reset)
Percona Live Presents: Globalizing Player Accounts with MySQL at Riot Games

During my presentation at Percona Live 2019, I’ll be talking about how Riot Games, the company behind League of Legends, migrated hundreds of millions of player accounts to unlock opportunities for us to delight players. This meant moving ten geographically distributed databases into a single global database replicated into four AWS regions. I’ll talk about some of the technical decisions we made, the expected vs actual outcomes, and lessons we learned along the way.

Migrating hundreds of millions of player records without impacting a player’s ability to manage their account and log in was a daunting task. I’ll shed some light on how we managed to handle this data migration while modifying the database schema. I’ll also go into detail on the backend …

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Percona Live Presents: The First Ever TiDB Track

The PingCAP team has always been a strong supporter of Percona and the wider open source database community. As the people who work day in and day out on TiDB, an open source NewSQL database with MySQL compatibility, open source database is what gets us in the morning, and there’s no better place to share that passion than Percona Live.

At this year’s Percona Live Open Source Database Conference in Austin, Texas, we are particularly excited to bring you a full track of talks and demo on the latest development in TiDB during Day 1 of the conference.

Who would benefit from the TiDB track

The TiDB track is designed to share with developers, DBAs, and practitioners in general technical know-hows, reproducible benchmarks (no benchmark-eting), and best practices on how TiDB can solve their problems. …

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A Truly Open Source Database Conference

Many of our regular attendees already know that the Percona Live Open Source Database Conference is not all about Percona software or, indeed, all about Percona. However, with moving to a new city—Austin, TX— we have realized that it’s something we ought to shout out loud and clear. Our conference really is technology agnostic! As long as submissions were related to open source databases then they were candidate for selection.

We have thirteen tracks at this year’s conference including a track entitled “Other Open Source Databases” which we are presenting alongside tracks dedicated to MySQL®, …

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Percona’s Open Source Data Management Software Survey

Click Here to Complete our New Survey!

Last year we informally surveyed the open source community and our conference attendees.
The results revealed that:

  • 48% of those in the cloud choose to self-manage their databases, but 52% were comfortable relying on the DBaaS offering of their cloud vendor.
  • 49% of people said “performance issues” when asked, “what keeps you up at night?”
  • The major decision influence for buying services was price, with 42% of respondents keen to make the most of their money.

We found this information so interesting that we wanted to find out more! As a result, we are pleased to announce the launch of our first annual Open Source Data Management Software Survey.

The final results will be 100% anonymous, and will be made freely available on Creative Commons. …

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Release Candidate for Percona Server 8.0.12-2rc1 Is Available

Following the alpha release announced earlier, Percona announces the release candidate of Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.12-2rc1 on October 31, 2018. Download the latest version from the Percona website or from the Percona Software Repositories.

This release is based on MySQL 8.0.12 and includes all the bug fixes in it. It is a Release Candidate quality release and it is not intended for production. If you want a high quality, Generally Available release, use the current Stable version (the most recent stable release at the time of writing in the 5.7 series is 5.7.23-23).

Percona provides completely open-source and free software.


As this is a release candidate, installation is performed by enabling the testing repository and installing the software via …

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20+ MongoDB Alternatives You Should Know About

As MongoDB® has changed their license from AGPL to SSPL many are concerned by this change, and by how sudden it has been. Will SSPL be protective enough for MongoDB, or will the next change be to go to an altogether proprietary license? According to our poll, many are going to explore MongoDB alternatives. This blog post provides a brief outline of technologies to consider.

Open Source Data Stores

  • PostgreSQL is the darling of the open source database community. Especially if your concern is the license,  PostgreSQL’s permissive licence is hard to beat. PostgreSQL has …
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Announcing Keynotes for Percona Live Europe!

There’s just over one week to go so it’s time to announce the keynote addresses for Percona Live Europe 2018! We’re excited to share our lineup of conference keynotes, featuring talks from Paddy Power Betfair, Amazon Web Services, Facebook, PingCap and more!

The speakers will address the current status of key open source database projects MySQL®, PostgreSQL, MongoDB®, and MariaDB®. They’ll be sharing with you how organizations are shifting from a single use database to a …

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Percona Live Europe 2018: Our Sponsors

Without our sponsors, it would be almost out of reach to deliver a conference of the size and format  that everyone has come to expect from Percona Live. As well as financial support, our sponsors contribute massively by supporting their teams in presenting at the conference, and adding to the quality and atmosphere of the event. Having their support means we can present excellent in-depth technical content for the tutorials and talks, and that’s highly valued by conference delegates. This year, too, Amazon Web Services (AWS) sponsors the cloud track on day two, with a superb line up of cloud content.

Here’s a shout out to our sponsors, you’ll find more information on the Percona Live sponsors page:



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Percona Live Europe Presents … In Their Own Words

For those who are looking forward to Percona Live Europe in just two weeks time—and for those yet to make up their minds—some of our presenters have shared some insight into their talks and what they’re most looking forward to themselves. Make no mistake, this is one of the most exciting events in the conference calendar for those of us who work with open source databases.

This year, our conference previews are being hosted over on the Percona community blog and the posts have been written by the presenters.

Percona Live Europe presents…

Here are the first six posts in this series of Percona Live Europe presents. There are more to come, so do come back over the next few days to see if any of the writers can help you pinpoint the talks that you are most …

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Percona Live Europe Tutorial: Query Optimization and TLS at Large Scale

For Percona Live Europe this year, I got accepted a workshop on query optimization and a 50-minute talk covering TLS for MySQL at Large Scale, talking about our experiences at the Wikimedia Foundation.


The 3-hour workshop on Monday, titled Query Optimization with MySQL 8.0 and MariaDB 10.3: The Basics is a beginners’ tutorial–though dense in content. It’s for people who are more familiar with database storage systems other than InnoDB for MySQL, MariaDB or Percona Server. Or who, already familiar with …

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