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Displaying posts with tag: sys schema (reset)
Take the long view on the MySQL PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA with ps_history and sys_history

The performance_schema is a powerful tool for analyzing MySQL performance and behavior. One aspect of the performance_schema is that the view of the data is "right now", and very little historical information is present. You can see that there are 10 threads connected right now, but what about five minutes ago?

ps_history is a set of stored routines and events for periodically collecting the data in the performance_schema into another schema called ps_history. The ps_history schema contains a copy of each performance_schema view as a real table, and timestamp and server_id columns have been added to each table. Periodically (by default every 30 seconds) the performance_schema data is written into the history tables.

ps_history comes as one script (setup.sql) which will create the ps_history schema, the tables within it, and …

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Take the long view on the MySQL PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA with ps_history and sys_history

The performance_schema is a powerful tool for analyzing MySQL performance and behavior. One aspect of the performance_schema is that the view of the data is "right now", and very little historical information is present. You can see that there are 10 threads connected right now, but what about five minutes ago?

ps_history is a set of stored routines and events for periodically collecting the data in the performance_schema into another schema called ps_history. The ps_history schema contains a copy of each performance_schema view as a real table, and timestamp and server_id columns have been added to each table. Periodically (by default every 30 seconds) the performance_schema data is written into the history tables.

ps_history comes as one script (setup.sql) which will create the ps_history schema, the tables within it, and …

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Looking deeper into InnoDB’s problem with many row versions

A few days ago I wrote about MySQL performance implications of InnoDB isolation modes and I touched briefly upon the bizarre performance regression I found with InnoDB handling a large amount of versions for a single row. Today I wanted to look a bit deeper into the problem, which I also filed as a bug.

First I validated in which conditions the problem happens. It seems to happen only in REPEATABLE-READ isolation mode and only in case there is some hot rows which get many row versions during a benchmark run. For example the problem does NOT happen if I run sysbench with “uniform” distribution.

In terms of concurrent selects it also seems to require some very special conditions – you need to have the connection to let some …

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Using MySQL 5.6 Performance Schema in multi-tenant environments

Hosting a shared MySQL instance for your internal or external clients (“multi-tenant”) was always a challenge. Multi-tenants approach or a “schema-per-customer” approach is pretty common nowadays to host multiple clients on the same MySQL sever. One of issues of this approach, however, is the lack of visibility: it is hard to tell how many resources (queries, disk, cpu, etc) each user will use.

Percona Server contains userstats Google patch, which will allow you to get the resource utilization per user. The new MySQL 5.6 performance_schema has even more instrumentation which can give you a better visibility on per-user or per-schema/per-database level. And if you are running MySQL 5.6.6 or …

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