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Displaying posts with tag: release (reset)
Log4j RCE 0-day Mitigation

Background # A critical vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 in the Apache Log4j logging library was disclosed on Dec 9. The project provided release 2.15.0 with a patch that mitigates the impact of this CVE. It was quickly found that the initial patch was insufficient, and an additional CVE CVE-2021-45046 followed. This has been fixed in release 2.16.0. Who is affected? # The bulk of vitess code is in golang, and is unaffected by these vulnerabilities.

Announcing Vitess 12

On behalf of the Vitess maintainers, I am pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 12. Major Themes # In this release, Vitess Maintainers have made significant progress in several areas, including Gen4 planner, VTAdmin, and other improvements. Please take a moment to review the Release Notes. Please read them carefully and report any issues via GitHub. Gen4 Planner # The newest version of the query planner, Gen4, becomes an experimental feature as part of this release.

Announcing Vitess 11

On behalf of the Vitess maintainers, I am pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 11. Major Themes # In this release, Vitess Maintainers have made significant progress in several areas, including Benchmarking, VTAdmin, Schema Tracking, Online DDL, and Performance improvements. While Schema Tracking is experimental, we’re very excited to have Gen4 planner evolving as well. Please take a moment to review the Release Notes. Please read them carefully and report any issues via GitHub.

Releasing ProxySQL 2.2.0

We are proud to announce the latest release of ProxySQL version 2.2.0

ProxySQL is a high performance, high availability, protocol aware proxy for MySQL, with a GPL license! It can be downloaded from the ProxySQL Repository (instructions here) or for a Docker image check out the Official ProxySQL Docker Repository. ProxySQL is freely usable and accessible according to the GNU GPL v3.0 license.

Release Overview Highlights

ProxySQL v2.2.0 is a minor release comprising of backward compatible changes, enhancements and bug fixes. Going forward ProxySQL will be using the common versioning standard “Major.Minor.Patch” and so this is essentially the first minor release of the 2.1 branch and inclues many fixes and features that were added to the 2.0 branches …

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Announcing Vitess 10

On behalf of the Vitess maintainers, I am pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 10. Major Themes # In this release, Vitess Maintainers have continued to focus on compatibility. It is still the most critical component of Vitess being part of the MySQL ecosystem. We have also started working on benchmarking and performance optimizations. These improvements have given us a clear vision of which areas of Vitess can be improved in terms of performance.

Releasing ProxySQL 2.1.1

We are proud to announce the latest release of ProxySQL version 2.1.1 on the 21st of April 2021

ProxySQL is a high performance, high availability, protocol aware proxy for MySQL, with a GPL license! It can be downloaded from the ProxySQL Repository (instructions here) or for a Docker image check out the Official ProxySQL Docker Repository. ProxySQL is freely usable and accessible according to the GNU GPL v3.0 license.

Release Overview Highlights

ProxySQL v2.1.1 is a patch release comprising of minor backward compatible changes and bug fixes. This release is the first patch release of the 2.1 branch and inclues many fixes and features that were introduced in the 2.0.x branches after 2.1 was released.

Be sure to try out the ProxySQL …

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Releasing ProxySQL 2.0.18

We are proud to announce the latest release of ProxySQL version 2.0.18 on the 8th of April 2021

ProxySQL is a high performance, high availability, protocol aware proxy for MySQL, with a GPL license! It can be downloaded from the ProxySQL Repository (instructions here) or for a Docker image check out the Official ProxySQL Docker Repository. ProxySQL is freely usable and accessible according to the GNU GPL v3.0 license.

Release Overview Highlights

ProxySQL v2.0.18 is a patch release comprising of minor backward compatible changes and bug fixes.

  • Note: ProxySQL v2.1.0 remains the latest stable GA release.

Be sure to try out the ProxySQL 2.0.18 release and …

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Releasing ProxySQL 2.0.17

ProxySQL is proud to announce the latest release of ProxySQL version 2.0.17 on the 9th of February 2021

ProxySQL is a high performance, high availability, protocol aware proxy for MySQL, with a GPL license! It can be downloaded here or alternatively from the ProxySQL Repository, or the Docker image available on our Official ProxySQL Docker Repository.  ProxySQL is freely usable and accessible according to the GNU GPL v3.0 license.

Release Overview Highlights

ProxySQL v2.0.17 is a patch release comprising of minor backward compatible changes and bug fixes. 

Be sure to try out the new ProxySQL 2.0.17 release and …

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Releasing ProxySQL 2.0.16

ProxySQL is proud to announce the latest release of ProxySQL version 2.0.16 on the 26th of January 2021

ProxySQL is a high performance, high availability, protocol aware proxy for MySQL, with a GPL license! It can be downloaded here or alternatively from the ProxySQL Repository, or the Docker image available on our Official ProxySQL Docker Repository.  ProxySQL is freely usable and accessible according to the GNU GPL v3.0 license.

Release Overview Highlights

ProxySQL v2.0.16 is a patch release comprising of minor backward compatible changes and bug fixes. This release brings several fixes to ProxySQL’s Native Galera monitor, AWS Aurora and connection handling.

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Announcing Vitess 9

On behalf of the Vitess maintainers team, I am pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 9. Major Themes # In this release, we have focused on making Vitess more stable after the successful release of Version 8. There have been no major issues reported. So there were no patches released for Version 8. This has allowed us to push further on compatibility and adoption of common frameworks as priorities.

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