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Displaying posts with tag: clone (reset)
Setup 2 MySQL InnoDB Clusters on 2 DCs and link them for DR

This article is an update of a previous post explaining how to setup a second cluster on a second data center to be used as disaster recovery (or to run some off site queries, like long reports, etc..).

This new article covers also the CLONE plugin. Before you ask, CLONE plugin and Replication Channel Based Filters are only available in MySQL 8.0 ! It’s time to upgrade, MySQL 8 is Great !

Also, for DR only, a single MySQL instance acting as asynchronous replica is enough. But if for any reason you want to also have a HA cluster in the second data …

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Migrate from a single MySQL Instance to MySQL InnoDB Cluster using CLONE plugin

When somebody wants to migrate from a single MySQL instance to a full HA solution using MySQL InnoDB Cluster, the best solution to reduce the downtime is to use asynchronous replication and switch database only once at a certain point in time when everything is ready. This is almost what I explained already in this post.

The most difficult part was related to the provisioning of the existing data to the new cluster members. A backup (physical or logical) was required. It should have been restored on every nodes and we had to be sure to not mess up with the GTIDs.

This is not more the case since MySQL 8.0.17 ! Now we can use the CLONE plugin to start the cluster provisioning too.

The current situation

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster, automatic provisioning, firewall and SELinux

You may have noticed that in many of my demos, I disable firewall and SELinux (I even use --initialize-insecure sometimes ). This is just to make things easier… But in fact enabling iptables and SELinux are not complicated.


These examples are compatible with Oracle Linux, RedHat and CentOS. If you use another distro, the principle is the same.

For the firewall, we need first to allow incoming traffic to MySQL and MySQL X ports: 3306 and 33060:

# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=3306/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=33060/tcp --permanent

If you don’t plan to restart the firewall, you just need to run the same commands without --permanent to make then immediately active.

Then we need to allow the Group Replication’s communication port. This is usually 33061 but it can be configured in …

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Create an Asynchronous MySQL Replica in 5 minutes

I have already posted some time ago a post related to the same topic (see here).

Today, I want to explain the easiest way to create an asynchronous replica from an existing MySQL instance, that this time has already data !

The Existing Situation and the Plan

Currently we have a MySQL server using 8.0.17 and GTID enabled on mysql1. mysql2is a single fresh installed instance without any data.

The plan is to create a replica very quickly and using only a SQL connection.

Preliminary Checks

First we verify that mysql1 has GTID enabled. If not we will enable them:

mysql> select @@server_id,@@gtid_mode,@@enforce_gtid_consistency;
| @@server_id | @@gtid_mode | @@enforce_gtid_consistency | …
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MySQL InnoDB Cluster from scratch – even more easy since 8.0.17

Create a MySQL InnoDB Cluster using MySQL 8.0 has always been very easy. Certainly thanks to MySQL Shell and server enhancements like SET PERSIST and RESTART statement (see this post).

The most complicated part to deal with was the existing and none existing data. In fact GTID sets must be compatible.

Let me explain that with some examples:

Example 1 – empty servers

If you have empty servers with GTID enabled, manually creating credentials to connect to each MySQL instances will generate GTIDs that will prevent nodes to …

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MySQL requires an authoritative master to build slaves

Read the original article at MySQL requires an authoritative master to build slaves

In MySQL database operations, you often need to rebuild slaves. They fail for a lot of different reasons, fall out of sync or crash. When this happens you may find you need to reclone and start fresh. This is normally done by finding your authoritative master database, and doing a hotbackup. Click through to the [...]

For more articles like these go to Sean Hull's Scalable Startups

Related posts:

  1. Limitations of MySQL row-based replication
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Cloning zones


As the zones use ZFS as root filesystem it's easy to do a zfs snapshot/clone to reproduce a zone. The different zones have only one difference: They differ in /etc/nodename, they have different rootpaths and they have different IP addresses.I wrote a script to read from global's /etc/hosts the ip address. Zonerootpath is /zones/zonename and /etc/nodename must contain as well. The name of the zone is always identical to the hostname of the zone. That rule is not from OpenSolaris but from me.  ;-)
Here is my script: Beware: I hate to do a lot of checking. This is not for general use...
echo "Creating zone $1 from zone TEMPLATE"
echo check if $1 does not already exist...
zoneadm list -cv | grep $1 && exit -1

echo -n "Retrieving TEMPLATE's IP: "
TEMPLATE_IP=$(grep TEMPLATE /etc/hosts | nawk '{print $1}') …

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