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Displaying posts with tag: mysql ecosystem (reset)
Planet for the MySQL Community Graduating from Beta

In May 2020, I published a Planet for the MySQL Community Pluto Beta.  I was satisfied with the result and was considering it done, but I did not invest the time to promote it to release (a non-beta site was running for a few months without being advertised).  I finally came to it, and today I am happy to deprecate the beta and announce the release of Planet for the MySQL Community.&

Update on Planet for the MySQL Community (June 7, 2020)

Three weeks ago, I released the Pluto Beta of Planet for the MySQL Community.  Since then, a few things changed and I think it is worth doing an update to the Ecosystem.  The change I am the most happy about is that Ivan Groenewold started helping with the project (you can find him in the people of the GitHub organization).  So Planet for the MySQL Community is

Planet [for the] MySQL Community: Pluto Beta

As indicated in a previous post, I am working on Planet [for the] MySQL Community for which I did a RFC on the Requirements.  I am happy to announce the beta release of Planet [for the] MySQL Community using the Planet Pluto Free Feed Reader and (Static) Website Generator.  If you are in a hurry, you can check it out at  This post

Planet MySQL Community: Requirements RFC

As indicated in a previous post, I am working on a Planet MySQL Community (this name is not final, see below).  In this post, I want to present what I think the requirements should be for this new aggregator.  This is a Request for Comment (RFC): I do not claim completeness nor perfection, this might (will) evolve, and your remarks are welcome.  A tl&dr is available in the

Blog from the Top — What keeps you up at night? Sleep better with Continuent!

Database Administration is a tough, often ungrateful job. Especially if you run a 24/7 business-critical MySQL or MariaDB deployment.

MySQL has proven to be a remarkably solid database which supports billions of dollars in revenue. On some level this very solidity creates a false sense of security. There are many things that can wrong at any given time, whether that is a change to your app, a bug in the database, hardware failure or just simply running out of disk space.

Percona recently conducted a poll: “What keeps you up at night?”

Not surprisingly, “Downtime/HA” is very high on the list.

While there are many challenging issues and tasks that a DBA must deal …

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Blog from the Top — The Changing Landscape of Open Source (MySQL) and Money

This is the first in a series of blog articles in which I will discuss the changing landscape of open source and money. Or, more specifically, open source databases and money. And even more specifically MySQL and its all variants (AWS Aurora, MariaDB, Percona Server, RDS/MySQL) and money. But before going too deep into what is changing, let’s review all the traditional business models in and around the MySQL marketplace.

In general, these are the following types of companies in the MySQL commercial ecosystem, sorted by total annual revenue and addressable market size:

  • Developers who do not aim to monetize the open source code, just provide value to others and hope to get development and other contributions in return. This is the purest form of open source. For example, all …
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Another Idea to Help Foster a Vibrant Community: Please make all bugs public

Since MySQL recently implemented the following feature request (and discussed here and here) to help foster communication among public bugs and feature requests, and to provide a way to allow the Community to voice whether or not a bug affects them, I decided to file another feature request that I think would even further encourage communication amongst an already vibrant community, and that is to simply:

“Please make all bugs public”

And thanks to the new bugs feature, if you would like to see this implemented as well, please click on the …

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Awesome to see the MySQL Ecosystem Flourishing

I just wanted to take a moment and thank, notice, what ever you want to call it, but share some love with all those and all things MySQL.

I read the post Let’s Celebrate MySQL 5.6 GA! – MySQL Community Reception by Oracle by Oracle MySQL Group and it got me to thinking of how proud I am of (and proud to be a part of) the whole MySQL Ecosystem.

We *should* all celebrate MySQL 5.6 GA! I well remember the 3.22 and 3.23 days, and there were many folks before me already using MySQL!!!

I love to see how it has continued to grow, the ecosystem and all things MySQL, that is. MySQL is better than ever. MariaDB is better than ever. Percona Server is better than ever. You have great Support options with MySQL/Oracle, SkySQL/MariaDB, and Percona as well – not to mention numerous others. I just love the fact that everyone is flourishing, …

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SkySQL Raises Additional 2.5 Million Dollars From California Technology Ventures

Yesterday, it was announced that SkySQL has raised an additional 2.5 million dollars in Series A funding from California Technology Ventures.

This comes along with the news of the new CEO, Patrik Sallner, taking the CEO role at SkySQL on July 1st.

Here are some relevant snippets:

“SkySQL also announced today that CTV, a venture capital fund that makes direct investments in technology and life science companies globally, invested an additional $2.5 million as part of the company’s recent A round of funding. With this latest investment, SkySQL has collected EUR 6 million to fund further growth.”

“About California Technology Ventures, LLC
California Technology Ventures, LLC is a venture capital fund that makes direct investments in technology and life science companies. CTV has built a strong reputation for its entrepreneurial approach to investing and working with companies. They believe in guiding …

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Congratulations to all of the 2012 Community Contributor Award Winners!

I just wanted to take a moment and say congratulations to all of the 2012 Community Contributor Award Winners!

The usual suspects, Baron, Sarah, Gerardo, and Sheeri, each won, and deservedly so. All 4 contribute a great deal to the MySQL Community and ecosystem, and it is very much appreciated.

However, I was especially happy to hear that James Day was also a winner (a name everyone might not be so familiar with). But, having worked with James for 5 years, I really couldn’t say it better than Henrik Ingo already did (in his initial post of this year’s winners), so let me quote him:

“James was nominated for ‘MySQL advocacy and swimming upstream to keep people informed about bugs and other issues.’ When looking into James’ activities in the community, the panel first didn’t find much evidence to support …

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Showing entries 1 to 10 of 14
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