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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL command line client (reset)
MySQL CLI (Command-Line Interface): How to Get Started with MySQL Database Management

The article provides a detailed guide on MySQL Command Line Client and shares useful tips on how to download, install, and get started with it. Read the tutorial to find out the best MySQL client on the market today. Contents What is a MySQL client? What is the difference between MySQL Server and MySQL client? […]

The post MySQL CLI (Command-Line Interface): How to Get Started with MySQL Database Management appeared first on Devart Blog.

MySQL: Partition-wise backups with mysqldump

To whom it may concern,

in response to a query from André Simões (also known as ITXpander), I slapped together a MySQL script that outputs mysqldump commands for backing up individual partitions of the tables in the current schema. The script is maintained as a snippet at MySQL Forge. How it worksThe script works by querying the information_schema.PARTITIONS system view to …

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