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Displaying posts with tag: Geo-distributed MySQL cluster (reset)
Webinar recording: Mastering Galera Cluster, Best Practices and New Features

This exclusive webinar is tailored for database administrators and IT professionals aiming to enhance their systems’ efficiency and reliability using Galera Cluster. This session focuses on practical best practices, showcases new features, and provides an extended platform for your queries.

What You Will Learn:

* Core Best Practices: Dive into essential practices, from employing primary keys and leveraging InnoDB to deciding if to optimise read/write splits and managing AUTO_INCREMENT settings.

* Advanced Configuration: Uncover advanced techniques for error monitoring, configuring Galera across networks, and fine-tuning the gcache for optimal performance. * Innovative Features: Stay ahead with insights on implementing Non-Blocking Operations for seamless schema changes, coordinating distributed …

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Webinar: Upgrade your MySQL 5.7 and older Galera Clusters to MySQL 8.0 with no downtime

We are sure you’ve probably already heard that MySQL 5.7 is going to reach End of Life (EOL) by October 2023. We are here to tell you that the migration from MySQL 5.7 need not be scary — MySQL 8.0 has been Generally Available for five years, and the Galera Cluster product for it, has been hardened for over three years, so it is truly time to get ready to migrate.

In our first session of the series, we are going to cover:
* the new features of Galera Cluster with MySQL 8 that you might benefit from, including what is available in Galera Cluster Enterprise Edition (EE)
* how to plan a migration from MySQL 5.7 or older to 8.0
* things to test for, before migrating
* common pitfalls of said migration
* how to ensure your Galera Cluster keeps humming along with no downtime

We also offer migration support to help you before and during your migration, after-which our regular support plan will cover …

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Disaster Recovery with Galera Cluster 2021 Edition webinar wrap-up

We might have had one of our largest, most well attended webinars in recent times, for both EMEA and North American timezones, and we thank you for attending. We had many good questions, and we realise that this is a popular topic, so expect to get more blog posts around this. It also helps us drive the development of Galera Manager further, to know what you want (a new release, is just around the corner).

The video recording  of the webinar is available and we encourage you to take a gander.

We did demo a 9-node Galera Cluster running across San Francisco, London and Singapore, and also discussed latency for local nodes, a local Galera Cluster, as well as what penalty you …

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Disaster Recovery with Galera Cluster 2021 Edition Webinar

We talk a lot about Galera Cluster for MySQL being great for High Availability, but what about Disaster Recovery (DR)? Database outages may occur when you lose a data centre due to power outages or natural disaster, so why not plan appropriately in advance?

In this webinar, we will discuss the business considerations including achieving the highest possible uptime, focus on business impact, risk mitigation, and disaster recovery itself. What scenarios are right for you: fully synchronous replication across various data centres? A mix of synchronous and asynchronous to an offsite location?

We will discuss Galera Cluster, mixed setups, the use of proxies, and also evaluate some third party solutions. We will debunk claims about how Galera Cluster might not work across data centers, tell you how to successfully do this across data centres, with performance tuning settings for all the segments. Galera 4 has also been released, making …

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Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.6.51, 5.7.33, and 8.0.23 released

Codership is pleased to announce a new Generally Available (GA) release of the multi-master Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.6, 5.7 and 8.0, consisting of MySQL-wsrep 5.6.51 (release notes, download), 5.7.33 (release notes, download) and 8.0.23 (release notes, download) with Galera replication library 3.33 ( …

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Webinar recording: The New Galera Manager Deploys Galera Cluster for MySQL on Amazon Web Services

We have video recording available for you to learn how you can benefit the New Galera Manager. It includes live demo how to install Galera Manager and deploy easily Galera Cluster on Amazon Web Service for Geo-distributed Multi-master MySQL, Disaster Recovery and fast local reads and writes. Now you can monitor and manage your Galera Cluster with Graphical Interface.

“The presentation was great with lots of valuable information. We will definitely try to implement Galera Manager in our environment very soon” stated attendee of the webinar.

Watch Galera Manager webinar recording

Download Galera Manager

Effective Monitoring of your Galera Cluster for MySQL with Galera Manager

While we have documented how you might consider Monitoring a Cluster with Galera Manager, we’d also like to take you through a bit more of what is available, before our webinar this week. Please signup for a live demo from install to deployment and management.

You might be used to SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_%'; from the command line, but why not take a look at all of this on a graph, over time, within the GUI of the Galera Manager? What happens when you feel a node is getting overwhelmed? You tend to check wsrep_flow_control_paused, which returns the percentage of time the node was paused because of Flow Control (normally you do this after a FLUSH STATUS however now you …

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Webinar: The New Galera Manager Deploys Galera Cluster for MySQL on Amazon Web Services

There is NEW ERA for Galera Cluster monitoring and management and as we just recently released Galera Manager 1.0 into the wild for everyone to deploy their Galera Clusters within an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) environment to achieve MySQL High Availability, Multi-Master MySQL, active-active clustering out of the box on Amazon and Disaster Recovery, all from the comfort of a web-based graphical user interface (GUI).

The Galera Manager is the new graphical user interface (GUI) tool for provisioning Galera Clusters on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). It allows an administrator to easily create and add nodes, without manually having to configure each node. Perhaps more useful is that Galera Manager provides charts for monitoring the host and database metrics, to ensure the proper and efficient functioning of …

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