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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL crashing (reset)
MySQL is crashing: a support engineer’s point of view

In MySQL QA Episode #12, “MySQL is Crashing, now what?,” Roel demonstrated how to collect crash-related information that will help Percona discover what the issue is that you are experiencing, and fix it.

As a Support Engineer I (Sveta) am very happy to see this post – but as a person who better understands writing than recording – I’d like to have same information, in textual form. We discussed it, and decided to do a joint blog post. Hence, this post

If you haven’t seen the video yet, or you do not have any experience with gdb, core files and crashes, I highly recommend to watch it first.

Once you have an idea of why crashes happen, what to do after it happens in your environment, and how to open a  …

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MySQL QA Episode 12: My server is crashing… Now what? For customers or users experiencing a crash

My server is crashing… Now what?

This special episode in the MySQL QA Series is for customers or users experiencing a crash.

  1. A crash?
    1. Cheat sheet:
    2. Sever install & crash. Note this is as a demonstration: do not action this on a production server!
      sudo yum install -y
      sudo yum install -y Percona-Server-client-56 Percona-Server-server-56
      sudo service mysql start
  2. Gimme Stacks!
    1. Debug info packages (can be executed on a production system, but do match your 5.5, 5.6 or 5.7 version correctly)
      sudo yum install -y Percona-Server-56-debuginfo
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