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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL logs (reset)
Log rotate and the (deleted) MySQL log file mystery

Did your logging stop working after you set up logrotate? Then this post might be for you.

Archive your log files!

Some time ago, Peter Boros wrote about Rotating MySQL Slow Logs safely, explaining the steps of a “best practice” log rotate/archive. This post will add more info about the topic.

When running logrotate for MySQL (after proper setting the /etc/logrotate.d/mysql conf file) from anacron, there’s a situation that you might potentially face if the user and password used to execute the “flush logs” command is stored in, for example, /root/.my.cnf file.

The situation:

You might find out that you have a new MySQL log file ready to receive data, but nothing is being written to it.

Why did this happen?

The logrotate script is executed, but the postrotate …

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