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Displaying posts with tag: Global Transaction IDs (reset)
How to setup a PXC cluster with GTIDs (and have async slaves replicating from it!)

This past week was marked by a series of personal findings related to the use of Global Transaction IDs (GTIDs) on Galera-based clusters such as Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC). The main one being the fact that transactions touching MyISAM tables (and FLUSH PRIVILEGES!) issued on a giving node of the cluster are recorded on a GTID set bearing the node’s server_uuid as “source id” and added to the binary log (if the node has binlog enabled), thus being replicated to any async replicas connected to it. However, they won’t be replicated across the cluster (that is, all of this is by design, if wsrep_replicate_myisam is …

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Online GTID rollout now available in Percona Server 5.6

Global Transaction IDs (GTIDs) are one of my favorite features of MySQL 5.6. The main limitation is that you must stop all the servers at the same time to allow GTID-replication. Not everyone can afford to take a downtime so this requirement has been a showstopper for many people. Starting with Percona Server 5.6.22-72.0 enabling GTID replication can be done without almost no downtime. Let’s see how to do it.

Implementation of the Facebook patch

Finding a solution to migrate to GTIDs with no downtime is not a new idea, and several companies have already developed their own patch. The 2 best known implementations are the one from Facebook and the one from …

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Using MySQL 5.6 Global Transaction IDs (GTIDs) in production: Q&A

Thank you to all of you who attended my webinar last week about Global Transaction IDs (GTIDs), which were introduced in MySQL 5.6 to make the reconfiguration of replication straightforward. If you missed my webinar, you can still listen to the recording and download the sides (free). We had a lot of questions during the webinar, so let me try to answer them here. Please let me know in the comments if additional clarification is needed.

Q: Does GTID provide any benefit to master-master replication? If yes, how?

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