MySQL has information_schema.tables that contain information such as “data_length” or “avg_row_length.” Documentation on this table however is quite poor, making an assumption that those fields are self explanatory – they are not when it comes to tables that employ compression. And this is where inconsistency is born. Lets take a look at the same table containing some highly compressible data using different storage engines that support MySQL compression:
mysql> select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema='test' G *************************** 1. row *************************** TABLE_CATALOG: def TABLE_SCHEMA: test TABLE_NAME: comp TABLE_TYPE: BASE TABLE ENGINE: TokuDB VERSION: 10 ROW_FORMAT: tokudb_zlib TABLE_ROWS: 40960 AVG_ROW_LENGTH: 10003 DATA_LENGTH: 409722880 MAX_DATA_LENGTH: …[Read more]