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Displaying posts with tag: Low Concurrency (reset)
MySQL and the SSB – Part 2 – MyISAM vs InnoDB low concurrency

This blog post is part two in what is now a continuing series on the Star Schema Benchmark.

In my previous blog post I compared MySQL 5.5.30 to MySQL 5.6.10, both with default settings using only the InnoDB storage engine.  In my testing I discovered that innodb_old_blocks_time had an effect on performance of the benchmark.  There was some discussion in the comments and I promised to follow up with more SSB tests at a later date.

I also promised more low concurrency SSB tests when Peter blogged about the importance of performance at low concurrency.

The SSB tests a database’s ability to optimize queries for a star schema. A star …

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Why MySQL Performance at Low Concurrency is Important

A few weeks ago I wrote about “MySQL Performance at High Concurrency” and why it is important, which was followed up by Vadim’s post on ThreadPool in Percona Server providing some great illustration on the topic. This time I want to target an opposite question: why MySQL performance at low concurrency is important for you.

I decided to write about this topic as a number of recent blog posts and articles look at MySQL performance starting with certain concurrency as the low point. For example, …

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