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Displaying posts with tag: Abstraction Layer (reset)
Being successful like Pinterest without its DB adventures...

I just came across this: "Scaling Pinterest and adventures in database sharding"  (
"Pinterest has learned about scaling the way most popular sites do — the architecture works until one day it doesn’t"Pinterest found out that "the architecture" is not scalable and they turned to development of a Scale Out mechanism also called Sharding.

I find it amazing that sharding, or in other words, the idea of "scale out by splitting and parallelizing data across shared-nothing commodity-hardware" is not supplied "out of the box" by "the architecture" (such as database, load-balancer, any other IT stuff). I'm wondering who was the one that decided that an IT issue like scale-out should be outsourced from the database to the …

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Scale Up, Partitioning, Scale Out

On the 8/16 I conducted a webinar titled: "Scale Up vs. Scale Out" (

ScaleBase Webinar 8.16: ScaleUp vs. ScaleOut from ScaleBase
The webinar was successful, we had many attendees and great participation in questions and answers throughout the session and in the end. Only after the webinar it only occurred to me that one specific graphic was missing from the webinar deck. It was occurred to me after answering several audience questions about "the difference between …

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