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Displaying posts with tag: ha (reset)
MySQL Group Replication: who is the primary master ??

As you know, MySQL Group Replication runs by default in single primary mode.

mysql2 mysql> show global variables like 'group_replication_single_primary_mode';
| Variable_name                         | Value |
| group_replication_single_primary_mode | ON    |

But how can we easily find which member of the group is the Primary-Master ?

Of course you could check which one is not in read_only:

mysql2 mysql> select @@read_only;
| @@read_only |
|           1 |

But then you need to perform this on all the nodes one by one until you find the right one.

The primary …

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Jeudis du Libre – Mons

Yesterday I was invited to speak at the “Jeudis du Libre” in Mons.

The location was very special as it was in one auditorium of Polytech, the oldest university in the city of Mons.

I presented in French two very hot topics in the MySQL ecosystem:

  • MySQL InnoDB Cluster
  • MySQL as Document Store with JSON datatype & X plugin

Those are very new technologies illustrating MySQL’s innovation. And of course there is much more to come with MySQL 8 !

Here are the slides if you are interested:

Jeudis du Libre – MySQL InnoDB Cluster from Frederic Descamps

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster: Automated Installation with Puppet

We saw yesterday that the new MySQL Shell was out and how we could create a MySQL InnoDB Cluster manually using the Shell.

Today, I would like to show you how easy it is to create recipes to automate all the process. I have created a Puppet module that can be used as Proof-of-concept (You might need more features to use it in production, feel free to fork it).

The module can be found on this github repo.

When using Puppet, I really like to put all configuration in hiera.


We have 3 GNU/Linux servers: mysql1, mysql2 and mysql3.

We won’t install anything related to MySQL manually, everything will be handled by Puppet.

Nodes definition …

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Percona Live Featured Tutorial with Frédéric Descamps — MySQL InnoDB Cluster & Group Replication in a Nutshell: Hands-On Tutorial

Welcome to another post in the series of Percona Live featured tutorial speakers blogs! In these blogs, we’ll highlight some of the tutorial speakers that will be at this year’s Percona Live conference. We’ll also discuss how these tutorials can help you improve your database environment. Make sure to read to the end to get a special Percona Live 2017 registration bonus!

In this Percona Live featured tutorial, we’ll meet Frédéric Descamps, MySQL Community Manager at Oracle. Frédéric is probably better known in the community as “LeFred” (Twitter: @lefred)! His tutorial is …

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MySQL Group Replication: Videocast #1

Hi !

I’m starting a small series of videocast related to MySQL Group Replication.

As I blogged earlier this year about Single-Primary or Multi-Primary Group Replication cluster, one of the limitation of using a cluster in Multi-Primary mode is the risk linked to concurrent DDLs (as ALTER STATEMENTS).

In Group Replication, DDLs are not isolating the full cluster and write operations are not blocked. But this may lead to problems if you change the same table on two different nodes at the same time for example. This is the topic of today’s videocast:

MySQL Group Replication, Single-Primary or Multi-Primary, how to make the right decision ?

Today’s blog post is related again to MySQL Group Replication.

By default MySQL Group Replication runs in Single-Primary mode. And it’s the best option and the option you should use.

But sometimes it might happen that in very specific cases you would like to run you MGR Cluster in Multi-Primary mode: writing simultaneously on all the nodes member of the Group.

It’s of course feasible but you need to make some extra verification as not all workload are compatible with this behavior of the cluster.


The requirements are the same as those for using MGR in Single-Primary mode:

  • InnoDB Storage Engine
  • Primary Keys
  • IPv4 Network
  • Binary Log Active
  • Slave Updates Logged
  • Binary …
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MySQL Group Replication and table design

Today’s article is about the first two restrictions in the requirements page of the manual:

  • InnoDB Storage Engine: data must be stored in the InnoDB transactional storage engine.
  • Primary Keys: every table that is to be replicated by the group must have an explicit primary key defined.

So the first requirement is easy to check by a simple query that list all the non InnoDB tables:

SELECT table_schema, table_name, engine, table_rows, 
       (index_length+data_length)/1024/1024 AS sizeMB 
FROM information_schema.tables 
WHERE engine != 'innodb' 
  AND table_schema NOT IN 
    ('information_schema', 'mysql', 'performance_schema');

The second one is a bit more tricky. Let me show you first how Group Replication behaves:

Case 1: no keys

Let’s create a table with no …

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How to migrate from Galera Cluster to MySQL Group Replication

In this article, I will show you how it’s possible to perform an online migration from a 3 members Galera cluster setup (in this case I’m using PXC 5.7.14) to a 3 members MySQL Group Replication cluster setup (MySQL Community 5.7.17).

Don’t forget that before adopting Group Replication as database backend, you should validate that your application do match GR requirements and limitations. When this is validated, you can start !

So first, let’s have a look at the current situation:


We have an application (sysbench 0.5), reading and writing to a Galera Cluster ( …

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2-Phase Commit in NDBCluster

This is a description of the simplest case of 2-phase commit (2PC) in NDBCluster: one transaction, containing a single insert, update or delete operation on a single row. The PREPARE phase of the 2PC is initiated by the API node (which is a mysqld or a NoSQL client) sending a TCKEYREQ to the Transaction Coordinator of a data node.…

MySQL datamasking using ProxySQL

Percona Live Amsterdam is just finished… there was an entire room full day about MySQL 8.0 which is wonderful but there was also another product that everybody was talking about: ProxySQL (great job René).

Ronald Bradford and the MySQL engineering team were discussing about what tool was missing in the MySQL ecosystem and Mark Leith highlighted that a datamasking utility was really missing.

Having used already ProxySQL for Group Replication and other tests, I knew that it would be possible to use it also for this purpose. After a very short discussion and a nightly chat with …

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