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Displaying posts with tag: Hardware (reset)
Testing MYSQL on the Violin Memory Flash 1010 Part III:

So we have already looked at sysbench & dbt2 tests… now we have to look at the new Juice DB benchmark. Juice runs a series of queries generate its load, these queries are combined into a workload. I tested the v1010 with a mixed workload ( mix of short & long updates and selects ), a mixed simple workload ( mix of short running updates and selects ) , and a read only ( selects which are designed to hit the disk ) . Because this is still an evolving benchmark I am including results from an Intel MLC drive (note these boxes are vastly different).  Keep in mind this is not a completely fair comparison. The Intel drive is not the enterprise class drive, but even with the SLC drive I don’t think its a fair comparison. The price difference between these two solutions is ~$50/GB -vs- ~$12.5GB.

The setup for this test created about a 20GB database, with each of the 3 large tables coming in around 6 GB each. I tested primarily with a 768M …

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Testing MYSQL on the Violin Memory Flash 1010 Part II:

Continuing my series on the Violin Memory 1010 I am turning my attention to the DBT2 benchmark which simulates an OLTP workload. I started with my typical “waffle” workload which is a 20 warehouse setup ( about 2.5 GB ) with a 768M buffer pool and I compared it to a 5G buffer pool with the same setup.  The ultimate goal or the nirvana state of any system is to have the performance of the storage system be as fast as having everything all in memory. The closer we can get the better off we are. The sad thing is even with the fastest of flash solutions we see times in the 70-300 microsecond response time range,  which is very  far off the nano second response time delivered by memory. That being said lets see how close we can get to a fully cached database:

I am including the Intel #’s for perspective here and to show just how close we can get full in memory speeds. The fact is I am comparing a potentially …

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Testing MYSQL on the Violin Memory Flash 1010 Part I:

Continuing my series of in depth looks at flash appliances, sans, and drives I spent a few weeks test driving the Violin Memory flash ( and DDR based ) solutions. Just from the specs the Violin Memory 1010 is impressive. According to the site the v1010 does 300K random reads per second and 200K random writes and has latency of less then 300 microseconds! That is pretty impressive!  But as I have stated before its difficult to test these limits with our current set of benchmarks.   For my test’s I did run this through the  ysbench fileio tests and dbt2 to get a feel for performance, but I was really eager to test the new juice db benchmark to really drive IO.  For the test Violin generously made available a 4 core (3.4Ghz ) server with 8GB of memory with access to a 360GB DDR based v1010 and then a 320GB DDR based v1010. Unlike the Ramsan I tested a …

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Testing Performance on a Texas Memory System RAMSAN-500 pt3

This is part 3 in my RAMSan Series.

While I am confident the read-only test was a reasonably good test ( I just needed to push more ), my mixed load test was marred by issues.  It was really a quick attempt to get a heavy read/write workload.  I ran into issues with how I wrote this so I will spare you the details.  Some flash devices are notoriously poor performing in writes, so its important to at least briefly look at this.  What I will share are the IOPS & latency numbers from this test.  The mixed workload does updates & selects at this point, these are a mix of PK updates, secondary index updates, etc.  These typically are built to run faster and smaller the the read-only IO bound workload.

By the 11th interval the Ramsan was pretty much complete.  The peaks are whats interesting…  lets look at this in a slightly different way.

So in the admittedly flawed mixed workload I am …

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Testing Performance on a Texas Memory System RAMSAN-500 pt2

This is part 2 of My RAMSan Series.

In my normal suite of benchmarks I typically run dbt2 & sysbench oltp benchmarks next…  and I did run then, but to be honest they just weren’t that interesting.  They showed an improvement over my intel ssd results I ran on frankenmatt,  but it was difficult to provide an apples to apples comparison.   The server hardware was way different ( cpu, memory, controller, etc ).  Plus I typically run a test -vs- non-flash then a test with flash, and ran tests with varying degrees of memory… the test box had 2GB of memory and sparse internal disk, so my normal test cycles were already in jeopardy.  For what I ran   I was pushing CPU limits long before I was hitting the IOPS I saw above.  In fact in a 100W test I ended up peaking @ 1200 iops, while the CPU was @ 100%.

The challenge is building an effective solution that will easily maximize MySQL …

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Testing Performance on a Texas Memory System RAMSAN-500

Well its about time I posted this:)  This is part 1 of 3 in my Ramsan series.

For those who have paid attention to my blog, know I love talking  IO!  I also love performance.  Absolutely love it.  Love disk, disk capactiy, io performance, solid state..  So as I march towards my UC session on MySQL Performance on Solid State Disk my goal is to try and test as many high end solid state disk systems as possible.  All the vendors have been great, giving me access to some really expensive and impressive toys.  I finished up testing Texas Memory System’s flash appliance the RamSAN 500 this week and wanted to post some numbers and some thoughts. TMS makes RamSAN appliances that merge disk and RAM into a really fast SANS.     First I go a ways back with TMS, I deployed and Oracle Rac installation on one of their …

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Random thoughts on a MySQL Disk Bound Benchmark

So since last talking about a new benchmark I found a need for one.  Specifically the need to truly test IO bound workloads in mysql to flex fast storage subsystems.  Tackling a new benchmark is not as easy as I thought.  I am already on version 2 of my code and its still really a mess.  But it appears solid enough to try and give it a few test runs on some really fast disk subsystems.  So Armed with several really bad queries I put together a read-only workload that just hammers the disk and little else…  I am working a little under the gun as I only have access to the TMS Ramsan for 1 more night, and only have access to a Violin memory test box for a short while longer as well.  The problem I am running into with these systems is DBT2 and sysbench bottleneck the CPU before they really flex the disk.  I want to flex the disk damn it!

So how’s it going?  reasonably well. I am not happy with …

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Site is (almost) back...

Sorry for the downtime of this site - until around a week ago I hosted my home page on a trusty Genesi Pegasos II system (powered by a PowerPC G4 Processor clocked at 1GHz, using Debian 4.0 PPC with 512 MB of RAM), serving these pages from my home DSL connection. Unfortunately this system provided no means of redundancy - the hard disk drive died.

Luckily I perform frequent backups, so I moved most parts of the site to a shared hosting space now - the picture gallery is unfortunately too big to fit into the space that I have there. I'll try to move the pictures into my Flickr account instead, but this will take some time.

Note that the primary domain name of this site is now -, (the …

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MySQL Memory allocation & TMPDIR

A quick one here, we often talk about effectively utilizing memory to get the most of your MySQL Server.  I wanted to remind folks to not forget about allocating memory to a tmpfs for the tmpdir.  Certainly this is not going to help everyone, but those who create lots of temporary table will find the performance boost most welcome. In fact in some cases you maybe better off allocating a little extra memory to a tmpfs then you would be the innodb buffer pool, but like everything it depends on your workload and environment.

What is tmpfs?  In a nutshell a filesystem ontop of a ramdisk  used for temporay file access.  Read the wiki page for more.   Sounds like a great thing for /tmp right? By the way It really urks me that most people leave /tmp as part of the root filesystem ….  shameful, read my common mistakes post for more complaining …

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Waffle Grid: Testing Waffle With Dolphin Interconnects

Let’s grab your attention with a shameless marketing ploy:  How would you like up to a 14X performance boost in your Mysql database performance? Now your hooked who wouldn’t want a 14x boost?  Well we got that using Dolphin interconnects and Waffle Grid! Read on!

As you know over the last few weeks the good folks over at Dolphin Interconnect Solutions have lent me use of a couple of servers with their interconnects installed ( They also sent me a couple of cards to test with, but I ended up not being able to secure the hardware to put these through their paces at my home office ) .  I ran into several challenges in the testing, and we also found out a lot about Waffle Grid and where we have some open bugs ( its good to test Waffle at the fringe of performance and see what breaks).

The oddest thing I ran into here was the way using the Dolphin cards …

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