Intel came on PCI-e SSD market with their Intel SSD 910 card. With a slogan “The
ultimate data center SSD” I assume Intel targets rather a server
grade hardware, not consumer level.
I’ve got one of this card into our lab. I should say it is very
price competitive, comparing with other enterprise level PCIe
vendors. For a 400GB card I paid $2100, which gives $5.25/GB. Of
course I’ve got some performance numbers I’d like to share.
But before that, few words on the card internals. Intel puts separate 200GB modules, so 400GB card is visible as 2 x 200GB devices in operation system, and 800GB card is visible as 4 different devices. After that you can do software raid0, raid1 or raid10, whatever you prefer.
For my tests I used single 200GB device and pair combined in software raid0 (Duo).
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