Showing entries 37951 to 37960 of 43780
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CyberTech Integrates MySQL into its MynaVoice voice recording software

CyberTech, developer and supplier of voice recording solutions, has integrated the MySQL relational database in its MynaVoice software for the storage and analysis of telephone calls. Because the MySQL Server is based on open source and open standards, CyberTech found that it integrated simply, quickly and at very low cost with their own technology.

You would eat fish right? Open Source Software

Waiter: "We have our vegetarian Pad Thai on the menu."

Me: "Can you ask the chef if he puts fish sauce in it?"

Waiter goes off and comes back.

Waiter: "Yes there is fish sauce in the Pad Thai."

Me: "Do you have anything which is vegetarian?"

Waiter: "Well I know people who say they are vegetarian who eat fish..."

Me: "Dude, your friends are not vegetarians."

The argument can go down hill from here. Its simple, if you eat meat, even only sometimes, you aren't a vegetarian.

Its popular in some circles to call yourself a vegetarian. Some people just want to cut down on their meat and find that its an easy way to not eat meat for a night. Some people believe it creates an aura around them.

They aren't vegetarians though.

Open Source software is similar. Weeks ago I saw …

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MySQL Toolkit?s Show Grants tool 0.9.1 released

MySQL Toolkit's Show Grants tool can now separate grants into individual statements, convert them into REVOKE statements, and help you remove users from a server, even if your server doesn't support DROP USER.

Onsite consulting in Sillicon Valley anyone ?

I've already wrote we do not generally do a lot of on-site onsite consulting, but as I'm anyway going to be speaking at MySQL Users Conference anyway it may be good time for some onsite jobs. In fact I have already scheduled visits on Friday, Monday and Tuesday following the conference but I can do couple of more till the end of that week. Just let me know soon before I bought plane tickets.

I also know I virtually know a lot of guys from Sillicon Valley and SF whom I'd love to meet in person. Drop me a note if you're interested I'll have number of evenings and post conference weekend available.

PHP Quebec Slides (migration talk).

See here.

Announcing the MySQL Montreal Meetup Group

After a great reception to my MySQL talks at PHP Quebec, I've decided to go ahead and start a user group in Montreal.

I'm still searching for a venue, so let me know if you can help out!

Yet Another Rails Convert

I've heard a lot about Ruby on Rails, and finally had occasion to try to use it. This tutorial was very well laid out, and entirely true - maybe a half dozen commands and a couple dozen lines of code later, there was a nice set of "scaffolds" for browsing & editing my data model.

It didn't "guess" my data model, but I prefer to tell a framework how to handle relationships. Telling rails was as simple as adding a handfull of commands like "has_one :parent", "belongs_to :category". And then you get drop-downs for foreign key values and column sorting virtually free.

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Reminder: 6th Hamburg MySQL Meetup coming up on Monday, 2nd of April

It's time for another Meetup of the Hamburg MySQL User Group! As for previous events, we'll meet on Monday, 2nd of April at 19:00 in the Chinese restaurant Ni Hao in Hamburg-Wandsbek.

This time there will be a presentation about "Xing/OpenBC growing pains", held by Erick Dennis und Michael Otto from epublica, the company behind

The talk will be held in english and is a rehearsal for their presentation at our upcoming MySQL Conference and Expo, which will take place from April 23rd-26th in Santa Clara, California. Please subscribe to our …

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Love your Free Ride entries; Keep them coming!

So far we have received 16 entries for the Proven Scaling Free Ride to MySQL Conference and Expo 2007, which will be in Santa Clara, California, April 23-26. (A recap: We are providing free airfare, hotel, meals, and a full conference pass to three people who impress us with their submissions.) A few of the submissions so far have had the panel laughing hysterically (and we DO appreciate a bit of humour in our judging). A few of you have not tried at all. I thought I’d provide some tips on what helps and what hurts as you submit your entries:

  • Helps: Showing that you have a sense of humour, and can tell a good story.
  • Hurts: Leaving all of the entry blanks empty.
  • Helps: Showing some humility, and that you will …
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That missing INNODB STATUS

On Thursday I saw something I’d not seen before. An Empty Innodb Status. Now given the amount of output normally shown it was certainly a first. And it looked like:

| Type   | Name | Status |
| InnoDB |      |        |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

To answer some of the most obvious questions.

  • Yes it was a working existing MySQL instance, with InnoDB correctly configured. Indeed we had been benchmarking for several hours.
  • MySQL Server was running, indeed a command selecting data from the mysql schema worked just fine after seeing this (All other tables were Innodb).
  • Absolutely nothing in the host MySQL error log. (This was the second most disappointing aspect)
  • The Process List showed two queries that had been running for some time, everything was taking  ; 1 second. …
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