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OurSQL Episode 13: The Nitty Gritty of Indexes

In this episode, we go through how a B-tree works. The next episode will use what we learn in this episode to explain why MySQL indexes work the way they do.

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6-8% of folk don?t want MySQL as a default back-end

At the 2nd Annual Silicon Valley Ruby Conference, about a dozen folk have stated that they don’t want MySQL to be their default database for Rails. I do presume that there might be 150-200 folk that have rocked up, so thats a small portion of the market, I guess.

From what I gather, some people have to integrate with other applications, and having two database backends, probably don’t make so much sense. For example, if you use GRASS for GIS mapping stuff, you’d not want your default web app database to be MySQL, right?

I do sincerely hope to meet them all in the next couple of days, to see what their concerns are, failing which there’s a who’s who in where we can still get contacted with later.

Then the distribution statistics. 40% on Mac OS X, 50% on Windows (ick), and a mere 10% on Linux (lots of OS X users do use Linux).

Technorati …

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Making & Breaking Web Services (with Ruby)

Chris Wanstrath (ex-CNET, now freelancing) worked on Chow and ChowHound, and thats Ruby and MySQL based, as opposed to PHP which is something they normally use. At last years conference, he arrived still as a PHP programmer. He transformed to a Rails programmer in only a year!

The Ruby SOAP library is really hard to debug. It however, creates methods on the fly, and the library itself is reliable. mocks is a good way to test SOAP, or Mocha.

Microformats - the website is your API. Just use semantic markup, that tell the pareses what information is important. They’re very easy to add accessibility to the stuff that you already have there. mofo (sudo gem install mofo) is a gem to parse microformats. Corkd - another rails site? mofo supports pretty much everything - …

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San Francisco: Flug und Tag 1

Letzten Mittwoch morgen war J. so nett und hat mich morgens nach Greven zum Flughafen gefahren. Von da bin ich nach München geflogen. Die Lufthansa nennt das Linienflug und dementsprechend unaufregend war das. In München hatte ich etwa eineinhalb Stunden Zeit durch sämtliche Sicherheitskontrollen in Richtung USA zu kommen und das hätte unter anderen Umständen etwas knapp sein können. Aber ohne Urlauber und mit wenigen Flügen in die USA war das alles schaffbar.

Ich hatte einen Gangplatz gebucht bekommen, aber die Frau, die neben mir am Fenster sitzen sollte, hat sich mit ihrem Freund einen freien 2er-Sitz geben lassen, sodass ich einerseits zum Fenster rüber konnte und andererseits den Platz neben mir frei hatte. Der Flug soll etwas ruckelig gewesen sein, aber ich habe die meiste Zeit geschlafen.

Nachdem ich dann in Chicago das berühmte grüne Formular und meine Fingerabdücke gelassen habe, durfte ich sogar …

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Helped Real Madrid with respect to European Parliament?s football policy resolution

About six months ago, I discontinued my work in the area of patent policy and announced my reasons in this blog article. At the time, I had already mentioned the possibility of becoming involved with football policy. And that has actually happened: From early February on, I have been lobbying and campaigning again, independently but with the official support of Real Madrid, in Brussels and Strasbourg.

In late March, the European Parliament voted on a resolution on “the future of professional football in Europe”, and the European Commission is still working on a comprehensive White Paper on Sports.

My …

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Gulp - I have been doing this for a while...

A couple weeks ago I got a mail from (the first Danish job site) that they were going to delete my profile since it had not been updated for 5 years.

They sent it to my email account - still working! - on my very first domain (

I logged in and it turned out it wasn't 5 but 10 years ago I had updated my profile there. Woah. The photo is me in 1996.

Spring of 1997 was around the time I started using MySQL, but I didn't mention that (or even mSQL). I had setup my first Linux system (RedHat 3.0.3 with a 1.2.13 kernel) with Apache (1.1!), Sendmail and BIND/named in the summer of 1996 but other than "internet" and "linux" I didn't mention any of that though. In a list of keyword I had:

"Pascal, internet, …

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Gulp - I have been doing this for a while...

A couple weeks ago I got a mail from (the first Danish job site) that they were going to delete my profile since it had not been updated for 5 years.

They sent it to my email account - still working! - on my very first domain (

I logged in and it turned out it wasn't 5 but 10 years ago I had updated my profile there. Woah. The photo is me in 1996.

Spring of 1997 was around the time I started using MySQL, but I didn't mention that (or even mSQL). I had setup my first Linux system (RedHat 3.0.3 with a 1.2.13 kernel) with Apache (1.1!), Sendmail and BIND/named in the summer of 1996 but other than "internet" and "linux" I didn't mention any of that though. In a list of keyword I had:

"Pascal, internet, …

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Distributed environment quirks; arrived at the MySQL Conf

I arrived earlier in the afternoon (on my second Friday now), and was waiting in the shuttle, for apparently another colleague. Twiddling thumbs, getting bored, and just when half an hour passes by, I think of the advice Stewart gave me, saying that the shuttle service was a little dodgy. Suddenly, I see a “familiar” face - its Lenz Grimmer, my colleague that I’ve been working with for ages. I say familiar, because all I’ve seen are photos, and made contact regularly via conference calls, IRC, and email. We met face to face, for the first time, just today.

Amazing, working in a distributed environment, no?

All that aside, Jay, Lenz and I couldn’t resist catching up by the poolside. Dinner ensued at Nicolino’s Italian restaurant in …

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Mozilla Foundation Weekly Status 2007-04-20


A good week - we made progress on the Internet as Public Good Symposium, which is the major task on my Mozilla plate right now. However, an unexpected event at another client meant that my Friday was a bit messed up. Will work on reviewing bugs and other missed responsibilities over the weekend.


  • Worked with Berkman and Harvard Business School teams to help plan and present the Internet as Public Good Symposium.
    • Event wiki now online, but still private. - started putting in content. Will make public after panel participants have a chance to review.
    • Conf. call with available IPG team members to sort out logistics, invitations and distribute tasks.
    • Set up database to store info on who’s invited, who’s coming and so on.
  • Minor bits of work helping Mozilla Corp. team plan their OSCON presence …
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Back from RIT2007

So I'm back from RIT2007 which took place April 16,17 in Moscow,Russia.
The conference was well organized, while the conference center was a bit small for event - halls were jam packed during the breaks and there was limited sitting available for many sessions.

It was great to see attendees from almost all serious Internet Technologies players among attendees and speakers - Yandex, Rambler, all were quite well presented and there were a lot of people to talk to and large number of interesting talks.

The conference was quite diverse in presented topics which made it yet more interesting for person with wide range of interests as me - there were talks starting from very technical such as FreeBSD kernel tuning, Web QA or AJAX Development, number of Project Management focused talks, Investment related talks (both for ones looking for investments and looking to invest) and …

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Showing entries 37621 to 37630 of 43775
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