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The Beginning

In lieu of the events at Virginia Tech I am slightly behind in getting ready for the Summer of Code. But alas, here is the first posting about what I intend to do this summer. I am working with MySQL on code coverage and test cases development to further enhance the quality of code released. As of this moment I am still getting aquainted with the code itself, but also the MySQL test tools that will be my primary focus this summer. So that being said, I have much to do.

How do MySQL DBA?s spend their time?

In case you didn’t know it, the demand is extremely high right now for MySQL DBA’s. As MySQL becomes more popular and begins to manage more critical applications for modern businesses, the demand for solid MySQL DBA expertise will only continue to grow.

To make sure we’re doing all the right things at MySQL to make your job as a MySQL DBA (or as someone who administers MySQL databases) as easy as possible, we’ve created a *very* brief survey that asks you how much time you spend across various activities (e.g. managing replication, performance tuning, etc.) Please take a few minutes and fill out the new survey - it is much appreciated.

Being "Jewish" and open source

I was flying back from Helsinki yesterday and was in line at Heathrow Customs behind an earnest young man. The Customs officer asked him,

"What nationality are you?", referring to something the teenager had written on his Customs declaration."Jewish."was the response."That's not a nationality. That's a religion."I rudely snickered with the men in line behind me, but it occurs to me well after the fact that the teenager was simply replying according to a different definition of nationality. (I wish I could ask the boy's pardon, though I'm not sure he heard me.) If asked what we are at our core, we're almost certainly something else before we're Americans, Nigerians, Lebanese, etc.

In like manner, and this will sound trite in comparison to the above, but I'm not in the software business. I'm in the open source business. Open source software business, if you like, but open source is the foundation and core of my interest in software. …

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Pythian at the MySQL Conference 2007

I will be out of the office all next week, so expect more blog posts from me! That’s not a joke — both Yannick Gratton and I will be at the MySQL Conference in Santa Clara, taking in all the material we can, processing it, and spewing out what I hope will be [...]

Slides of the second webinar on "Online Solutions with MySQL"

The slides are available in PDF format here.

Thanks to all of you who have participated to the webinar!


Log Buffer #41: a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Welcome to the 41st edition of Log Buffer, the weekly review of database blogs. There is rarely any shortage of commentary on conferences in the world of databases. This week is no exception, with one or two waiting in the wings and another fading into the past. That would be Collaborate ‘07. Here’s a sample [...]

Visual Studio "Orcas" Beta 1 available

This is already making the blog rounds but the next pre-release version of the best development environment on the planet is out.  VPC images out and some ISO bits are available on MSDN.  Microsoft will also be making Express versions available in the next few days.  You can find all the links here.

Porting mysql group_concat to postgres

There's a very useful aggregate function in mysql that allows you to concatenate several row values into one single row value. Here is an example:

mysql> create table t1 (
-> t1_id numeric,
-> col2 varchar(50)
-> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.18 sec)

mysql> create table t2 (
-> t2_id numeric,
-> t1_id numeric,
-> col2 varchar(50)
-> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.17 sec)

mysql> insert into t1 values (1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c');
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 3 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0

mysql> insert into t2 values (1,1,'d'),(2,1,'f'),(3,2,'g'),(4,3,'f'),(5,3,'h'),(6,3,'i'),(7,3,'j');
Query OK, 7 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 7 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from t1;
| …

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This blog turned 1 year old last month and I think all of my readers were glad to read it. I’ve never asked for help and I offered help to people who needed it. But today I’m forced to ask my readers for help because it is the first time in my long practice when I really don’t know how to solve my problem.


Guess what...Wordpress does not like InnoDB + autocommit=off either

In my previous entry I wrote how to fix Wordpress so it can avoid a possible too restrictive default SQL_MODE. I guess I should have realized that the following two lines from my my.cnf option file would probably not be liked by Wordpress either:

default-storage-engine=InnoDB #Set the default storage engine (table type) for tables.
init-connect="set autocommit=0" #set autocommit off on connect

So, I went back and hacked wp-includes/wp-db.php again. Now the fix read:

// …
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