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Displaying posts with tag: .NETMySQLOpen SourceWeb/Tech (reset)
Cgen: Simplest .NET/MySQL Relational Wrapper That Could Possibly Work

Last week I attended and spoke at the MySQL conference. Some of the talks, particularly the ones that targeted system administrators rather than developers were over my head, but that's useful information in itself -- it serves as a reminder that sometime soon I'll need to either learn the finer points of big-time MySQL system administrator or hire somebody who does.

It was particularly fun giving a talk on .NET to MySQL guys just two weeks after I finished giving a talk on MySQL to a room full of .NET guys. It was also fun seeing my client Alfresco and hanging out with them in their booth, where they were doing demos and fielding lots of inquiries.

I'm just now getting around to firing up the blog-o-matic in earnest after four weeks of more or less non-stop conference-going, but I wanted to mention that I've released the tool that we use to create the data access layer. It's …

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