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Yahoo! Pipes Keynote

One of the coolest mashup technologies around is Yahoo! Pipes.  It's a web-based application that enables you to visually create new web apps by aggregating web feeds and other web services in new ways.  Much like you could create pipes and filters to deal with text on Unix, this enables you to do the same with data coming from web sites. Tim O'Reilly called it "a milestone in the history of the Internet" which is pretty high praise from the guy who coined Web 2.0.  Our MySQL community manager Jay Pipes (no relation :-) worked with one of Yahoo's top MySQL gurus Jeremy Zawodny to arrange to get the guys from Yahoo Pipes into a keynote spot at the …

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So Wordpress does not like the MySQL SQL Mode

I just downloaded Wordpress to play around with. However, installation failed pretty miserably. The nature of the error messages led me to believe Wordpress does not like the SQL_MODE setting of my lcoal MySQL database.

By default, I have a fairly restrictive SQL_MODE for my local database server, which is set up by this line in my my.cnf option file:


Now, a lot of people don't know you can …

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I’ve been playing more with the SHOW PROFILE command available as part of MySQL Community 5.0.37. Thanks to the author Jeremy Cole. This command can provide some interesting insight into the workings of MySQL. It does however like most new releases of software enable users to make suggestions for new features and functionality. Here is my wish list. Some I figure are practical, some are wish list, but if you never ask you never know.

  1. The Unit of measure for duration is Second. It would be great if it could be tuned for display, say millisecond. If you look at my first Example, all figures are effectively represented in milli-second or even micro-second granularity. …
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Nine dollars (US) of Water (how many hours would somebody on minimum wage have to work to buy this 1.5L of water?):

Apart from that, jetlagged - managed to find food, TV, internet. All good.

I’ll be putting photos up on my gallery (which is running a MySQL Cluster 5.1 backend - with disk data) over at:

Release of A MySQL Storage Engine for Amazon AWS S3

I just pushed out a significant release of the Amazon AWS S3 MySQL storage engine. There are significant stability, performance, debugging, and feature improvements.

Available via

Unless there are any showstoppers, this is the one that is going to the MySQL Expo next week, to be presented on Wednesday.

It allows one to view and manipulate Amazon's S3 storage service as tables and items by MySQL. You can keep your blobs or large varchars or truely huge datasets in S3, and then join the tables against your local ones.

If you're a …

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MySQL Memory Usage Profile Script 2

Here is the perl script referred to by mysql-memory-usage-profile.


# Version: 1 Last Change by: procter.pythian. 20070419 14:14:39
# Copyright 2007, The Pythian Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Hey, we work hard on this stuff!

# Feel free to use this script, un-modified, as much as you like 
#on any system. If you find issues or have comments, we would 
#welcome the opportunity to collaborate with you on it. But we 
#haven't yet decided on any formal licensing (GPL etc.) and 
#public interest will be a factor on whether we go that route.

# MySQL Memory Profiling Script

# Reference:

#MD5 Checksum 5D713DCA3702EBC91D3B1AA997E68F07 …
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What makes the design of PBXT similar to MyISAM?

PBXT is a transactional storage engine, but what does the design have in common with MyISAM?

I'll be answering this and other questions during my session at the MySQL Users Conference next week:

PrimeBase XT: Design and Implementation of a Transactional Storage Engine
Date: Wednesday, April 25
Time: 10:45am - 11:45am
Location: Ballroom F

So be sure to check it out! :)

New Falcon Performance Diagnostics

At next week’s MySQL User’s Conference, we’ll be having a number of in-depth sessions on the new MySQL transactional storage engine named Falcon. Jim Starkey, the creator of Falcon, will be leading a session on Falcon internals, another session on Falcon Concurrency Control, and a Falcon BOF.

One new delivery from the Falcon team are new performance diagnostic objects that help DBAs and developers better troubleshoot and tune a Falcon database. One of the requests I get constantly in the field is to provide more performance stats that help MySQL less of a “black box”. The Falcon team has done a nice job in answering this call and has recently provided a number of new diagnostic views into what the Falcon engine is doing. Although still in alpha and likely …

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First test of new MySQL Online Backup

If you’re coming to the MySQL User’s Conference next week, be sure to attend the sessions on backup and recovery, especially the session on the MySQL backup roadmap and the Online Backup BOF that will be hosted by the members of the MySQL Backup team.

I got a chance this week to kick the tires of our new online backup that the team has been working on, and I’m excited about the things I see. For a quick test, I did a backup of a 9 million row archive table in one session while I fired off several inserts into that same table in another session:

*** first session - running backup ***

mysql> select count(*) from t1;
| count(*) |
|  8964018 |
mysql> backup database bkp to 'bkp.txt'; …
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My first MySQL fulltext parser plugin

Using the CodeGen_MySQL_Plugin i have now been able to create my first working fulltext plugin: gzip_fulltext

gzip_fulltext will uncompress data that was compressed with MySQLs COMPRESS() function on the fly before passing it on to the default fulltext parser. Data that is not gzip compressed will be passed on 'as is'.

Update: there were some minor compile problems with yesterdays release, these have been corrected and th download link below fixed

Continue reading "My first MySQL fulltext parser plugin"

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