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Web2.0 Expo

I attended the Web 2.0 Expo held in San Francisco between April 15-18. Here are some thoughts on some of the things that caught my attention.

 Rich Internet Applications

There was a lot of talk about RIAs, many products ranging from full-blown development environments to languages, language environments etc. Some examples include Apollo (new announcement from Adobe), Django, curl (no - this is not the OSS libcurl), Silverlight (Microsoft's response to Adobe !)
So it seems that the applications are once again moving onto the desktop - after moving from fat client to the web, we have now realized that the web environment really is not rich enough for many applications. …

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[QOTD] SHM vs. Pipes

Heard today in a MySQL course

What are the differences between shared memory and NT pipes on Windows?

Slow and slower

It seems quite silly written here, but it’s been a funny moment.

MySQL Conference & Expo 2007, April 23-27

It's going to be good, just look at the schedule! If you're not signed up yet, why? Just ask yourself that. And if you don't have a very good reason, just register and go meet lots of other MySQL users as well as many of my colleagues. It's educational (which means you can make your boss pay for it), it's fun, and yes it can even be a tad geeky if you want.

I won't be there myself this year (oh hail the absence of jetlag), but don't let that deter you in any way. Jay Pipes has been doing a great job organising this year's program.

For instance... it's fantastic that Eben Mogen is doing a keynote. Last year someone from EFF already did a talk on "what not to put in your database schema, and why" which was admittedly an obscure title, but it covered the content nicely. It's important stuff. Eben will explain all. You want to be there.

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Plugin Talk

Inside of MySQL we do a "MySQL University" which is basically a "someone shows up and talks on a topic".

Tomorrow at 8AM PST I am going to do one on the general plugin architecture. I am told that these will eventually be put up as podcasts (and if I get a chance I will just record mine tomorrow on my own).

The slides for the talk can be found here:

It is a punch of pointers into the code that I will be explaining. Have fun with the slides :)

451 CAOS Links - 2007.04.18

Open Solutions Alliance announces board. ITerating launches wiki software guide. EnterpriseDB shares Q1 successes. (and more)

Open Solutions Alliance Gets Down to Business - Publishes Interoperability Roadmap, Announces First Major Project and Board of Directors, Open Solutions Alliance (Press Release)

Announcing, The First Wiki-Based Guide to Commercial, Open Source and Hosted Software, ITerating (Press Release)

EnterpriseDB Posts Record First Quarter Results, Rounds Out Executive Team, EnterpriseDB (Press Release)

Canonical Ltd. Joins the GNOME Foundation?s Advisory …

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PEAR::HTML_BBCodeParser Parser Issue

I’ve come into a situation where I require to have BBCode parsed, this includes the standard tags supported by PEAR package HTML_BBCodeParser and custom BBCode tags I’ve added myself.

My problem is this, I’ve discovered that when an value has a space within the value the value is truncated at the first occurrence of the space. This applies to a URL, image file names and any additional attribute values (alt, style, etc.). This issue is present in the stable release and latest release in CVS for HTML_BBCodeParser. Here is some examples.

Before BBCode Parser
   [url= World?str=1]Foo World
After BBCode Parser
   <a …
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MySQL Stored routines at the Users Conference

The Users Conference and Expo is approaching fast. As a last minute assignment, I will be speaking about Stored routines for MySQL administration. The session will cover the basics of stored routines and their specifics for administration.

Coincidentally, today was published a review of an excellent book about MySQL Stored Procedures programming by Guy Harrison and Steven Feuerstein. I warmly recommend this book to anyone using stored routines with MySQL.
FindBugs - Writing custom detectors (Part 1)

Some words in advance...

Recently I wrote about multi-threading problems with java.util.Calendar and java.text.DateFormat. The last sentence was So maybe it is time to search your code for all static usages of the Calendar and various ...Format classes, before you start getting strange errors.

Searching code is not very practical, especially if you do it manually. Everyone knows you can look at code for hours, without seeing an problem - and as soon as it has reached production systems it starts breaking up in various ways :-)

Fortunately smart and reknown people have devised ways of making the computer look for bugs automatically. Amongst others, …

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FindBugs - Writing custom detectors (Part 1)

Some words in advance...

Recently I wrote about multi-threading problems with java.util.Calendar and java.text.DateFormat. The last sentence was So maybe it is time to search your code for all static usages of the Calendar and various ...Format classes, before you start getting strange errors.

Searching code is not very practical, especially if you do it manually. Everyone knows you can look at code for hours, without seeing an problem - and as soon as it has reached production systems it starts breaking up in various ways :-)

Fortunately smart and reknown people have devised ways of making the computer look for bugs automatically. Amongst others, …

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uuid()! Hit a duplicate key!


[brian@zim memcache_engine]$ ~/tangent/bbench/
/home/brian/mysql-builds/example/bin/mysqlslap: Cannot run query INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (uuid(),1233983202,789373855,'jdtPbBILRQyiu7nZN3RdI96aQOP4Y0z7dlO4wbQF1OpvYdLnggGrqMP8mjCAjB9CwQHk1jruzhhXA2BibRZPqrPSQdX9gYDTyWDr5xdxWJSgDXEozg5hNW1pzYqgx3','9nQEfN38KZRh5hCCL3sRkFpm4pAuL7pWvFcQXgar52O3bdFwY7FHE53ImD47LtT81xaYT8Fb2YWd1lQZshqyelGOzCNCxsCyimMBmWep28IvlkSTIJRw4bDvnczlLB','bvpq6cCdH6db1NCTsWgKIdvXOb0OKDRn8HdEthjAnLdochAS3qgMJclk3d0FqR2ykY5dDof119pdqz6mie816ld9NdO55R4pr9J4pq5rrnSieQSK5SEB5rLKTlQQ4M') ERROR : Can't write; duplicate key in table 't1'

That should not be possible. I actually hit a duplicate key while using uuid() as the primary key.

Freaky weird...

So what does this mean?

It means I have found a bug... because that is a hell of a lot more likely...

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