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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Group Replication (reset)
Vagrant environment to test MySQL Group Replication 0.8

Vadim Tkachenko recently released  Docker images for Group Replication (thank you for that ).

As not everybody is already using Docker or just because having multiple choices is also nice (this is an OpenSource world isn’t it ?), I decided to share a Vagrant environment that you can use to evaluate Group Replication.

This environment provides also a module that can be used to deploy GR on any other environment managed by Puppet.

The repository is available on my github account: mysqlGR-vagrant

This is a quick demo on how to use it:

Tadam ! You have a MySQL Group of 3 members ready to use !

MySQL Group Replication: securing the perimeter!

Hi all, here is a new post following the blog series on the last MySQLvGroup Replication labs release which already presented: 1) the new features; 2) most asked questions; 3) summary of behaviour and configuration changes; and 4) the performance improvements.…

Tuning MySQL Group Replication for fun… and profit!

Group Replication introduces a new way to do replication in MySQL. With great features such as multi-master replication it brings a range of exciting deployment scenarios where some difficult problems become much easier to solve. Group Replication also brings a new set of options that may need to be configured to extract the highest performance from the underlying computing resources.…

Docker Images for MySQL Group Replication 5.7.14

In this post, I will point you to Docker images for MySQL Group Replication testing.

There is a new release of MySQL Group Replication plugin for MySQL 5.7.14. It’s a “beta” plugin and it is probably the last (or at lease one of the final pre-release packages) before Group Replication goes GA (during Oracle OpenWorld 2016, in our best guess).

Since it is close to GA, it would be great to get a better understanding of this new technology. Unfortunately, MySQL Group Replication installation process isn’t very user-friendly.

Or, to put it another way, totally un-user-friendly! It consists of a mere “50 easy steps” – by which I think they mean “easy” to mess up.

Matt Lord, in his post  …

[Read more]
MySQL Group Replication: Important Behavior and Configuration Changes.

Hi everyone, its been a while since the last release of Group Replication. During this period we have been working hard to improve the plugin and give you a better user experience. Focused on solving several existing bugs, address performance issues and improving user
experience we renamed some variables, introduced new ones and changed some of the plugin policies.…

MySQL Group Replication: A Quick Start Guide

With the new Group Replication Beta release—0.8 for MySQL 5.7.14—available for download on, I expect more and more people to begin engaging in various forms of proof-of-concept attempts. So I wanted to create a “quick start guide” (to replace this outdated getting started post) focused on an example/test Linux environment, that covers how to get started, what a full working example test setup can look like, and also include some best practice and operations advice along the way.…

MySQL Group Replication for 5.7.14

Hi everyone! It has been some time since the last MySQL Group Replication labs release was out. But the team has not been sitting on its hands. As such, it is time for a new labs release with new features, bug fixes and improvements across the board.…

MySQL Group Replication now on Windows

In the previous releases of the Group Replication plugin for MySQL we introduced support for several operating systems like Mac OS X, Solaris, and FreeBSD. But why stop there? So here it is, the 0.7.0 version of Group Replication is now also available on Windows!…

MySQL Group Replication for MySQL 5.7.10

Hi all, it is time again to do another preview release of MySQL Group Replication, the plugin that brings multi-master update everywhere to MySQL, like we described in Hello World post.

We are very proud to do the sixth preview release of MySQL Group Replication, version 0.7.0 based on MySQL Server 5.7.10, which introduces new exciting features, please enjoy the highlights!…

MySQL Group Replication now on more platforms

A new version of the Group Replication plugin for MySQL is available now. The newest release is available on Mac OS X, Solaris, and FreeBSD.

Additional platform support has been made possible via a new group communication implementation. This new communication system supports communication of messages between servers on many platforms, allowing MySQL to embrace the diversity of the MySQL community and enables Group Replication for more people on more platforms.…

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