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Displaying posts with tag: galera (reset)
Slides for Evaluating MySQL HA Alternatives

Attached are the slides for my MySQL Connect talk Evaluating MySQL High-availability alternatives, which I will present today at 14:30 at the MySQL Connect conference.

A bit unusually I'm posting the material ahead of the talk. The point of the talk is about evaluating each alternative from your own perspective. With that in mind, if you're at the talk with your own laptop, feel free to browse the slides at your own pace from here.

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MariaDB Directions

Infor announced this week, that they will provide open source database alternatives to some of their products. MariaDB has been chosen, tested, and certified by Infor to be the open source database of choice (together with MySQL) for the Infor LN and ION products. Infor LN is Infor’s flagship ERP and is sometimes better known by its former name, Baan. It has 25 years of manufacturing know-how built into it and is used by more than 5,000 companies worldwide in a wide range of industries. These include automotive, industrial equipment and machinery, high tech and electronics, and aerospace and defense. This is a big stamp of approval that even the most critical systems can be run on MariaDB.

In other news, there are currently several really interesting paths coming together into some important milestones. The rest of this post …

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Failover is evil

In the Matrix movie there is a scene where the heroes visit a spiritual councelor, and amongst the people in her waiting room they see a little boy, dressed like a buddhist monk, who can bend a spoon just by looking at it. When they ask him what he does to bend the spoon, the boy's answer is: "There is no spoon". And if you watch the movie to the end, you will see that he is right. (In that spirit, if this post is too long to read for you, just skip to the last paragraph for the answer.)

The title for this blog post is of course inspired by Baron's "Is automated failover the root of all evil?", which is a commentary on GitHub's detailed explanation of their recent Pacemaker-induced downtime. Baron makes a good question, but the …

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Monty’s team announces the availability of MariaDB Galera Cluster!

We’re delighted to share the news that our friends at MariaDB today announced the availability of MariaDB Galera Cluster!

We’ve been talking a good bit about MariaDB in the past few months and it’s great to see the MariaDB & Codership partnership result in today’s announcement.

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MariaDB Galera Cluster Alpha immediately available

Today we’re pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB Galera Cluster!

With this release, we’re addressing the numerous requests we’ve received over the past few months for a MariaDB-based Galera Cluster. MariaDB, the more reliable, performant, feature-complete & backwards compatible MySQL database becomes even more attractive by making it available for Galera Cluster.

What is it?

  • A straight merge of MariaDB 5.5.25 with Galera Cluster by Codership
  • An alpha release which should not be used in production environments
  • Using the Galera replication methodology, users get:
    • Synchronous, multi-master replication with guaranteed data consistency
    • This solution provides both read & write scalability

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MySQL and PostgreSQL faces at Froscon

My three previous blog posts I already wrote from Froscon. In this post I still want to go back and mention some people I met and discussions I had.

The MySQL side

There were of course many MySQL people, with both SkySQL and Oracle sponsoring. It was great to meet Carsten from Oracle, who has joined the MySQL Sales Engineer team in Europe (he moved from an OpenOffice position). That's my former team, so it was great to see a new face!

Going there the person I was most looking forward to meet was Hana Hütter, formerly a MySQL account manager for Central Europe, and now doing the same at SkySQL. My first ever MySQL sales gig was with Hana, and Ralf Gebhart who is also now with SkySQL but was not at Froscon. While Ralf was there only that first time to teach me how to be a Sales Engineer, with Hana we then continued to sell MySQL into telecom companies in many European cities. I had not met Hana since I left Sun. It was …

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Understanding the Galera commit sequence and innodb_doublewrite_buffer back to 1

People often assume the reason I talk at conferences is because I like to teach them about Galera, MySQL and other cool, open source things. That's of course true to some extent. But for me personally, another reason is even more important: It happens almost always that the audience teaches me something. Thus the process of public speaking has increasingly become my way to learn new insights. Low level details that aren't easy to learn by just RTFM.

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Log Buffer #282, A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Blogging is the way to express an idea in an informal way by a person, who has either worked with it, or planning to work with it, or has seen it at work. In databases, ideas are the foundations of everything, and these Log Buffer Edition is presenting ideas from bloggers in Log Buffer #282. [...]

Speaking at MySQL Connect (OpenWorld)

My talk for MySQL Connect has been accepted. This is the MySQL specific 2 day conference just before the big Oracle OpenWorld and JavaOne. It is kind of a new conference by Oracle. They've had something called MySQL Sunday at this spot before, but this year it is a bit bigger and with a bigger spin on it. I'm glad it is on a weekend because otherwise I wouldn't be able to attend.

I will give the popular Evaluating MySQL High Availability Alternatives talk that I have been refining in two Percona Live conferences already. With MySQL 5.6 in the oven now, there's something new again to talk about.

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Video: My Introduction to Galera talk at OUGF Harmony 2012

Sheeri was also in Hämeenlinna for the OUGF Harmony conference a few weeks ago, and of course she had her video camera with her. My talk "Synchronous multi-master clusters with MySQL: an introduction to Galera" is now posted on Youtube. (You may also want to watch the slides on slideshare while listening.)

I think this is a really good talk if you are interested in Galera. First we cover how to get a Galera cluster running, including the most important options and status variables to pay attention to. I cover both the internal Galera architecture and how to use load balancers and clustering frameworks, and explain how galera handles node crashes and network partitioning.

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