My three previous blog posts I already wrote from Froscon. In
this post I still want to go back and mention some people I met
and discussions I had.
The MySQL side
There were of course many MySQL people, with both SkySQL and
Oracle sponsoring. It was great to meet Carsten from Oracle, who
has joined the MySQL Sales Engineer team in Europe (he moved from
an OpenOffice position). That's my former team, so it was great
to see a new face!
Going there the person I was most looking forward to meet was
Hana Hütter, formerly a MySQL account manager for Central Europe,
and now doing the same at SkySQL. My first ever MySQL sales gig
was with Hana, and Ralf Gebhart who is also now with SkySQL but
was not at Froscon. While Ralf was there only that first time to
teach me how to be a Sales Engineer, with Hana we then continued
to sell MySQL into telecom companies in many European cities. I
had not met Hana since I left Sun. It was …
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