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What if … MySQL’s repeatable reads cause you to lose money?

Well, let me say if that happens because there is a logic mistake in your application. But you need to know and understand what happens in MySQL to be able to avoid the problem. 

In short the WHY of this article is to inform you about possible pitfalls and how to prevent that to cause you damage. 

Let us start by having a short introduction to what Repeatable reads are about. Given I am extremely lazy, I am going to use (a lot) existing documentation from MySQL documentation.

Transaction isolation is one of the foundations of database processing. Isolation is the I in the acronym ACID; the isolation level is the setting that fine-tunes the balance between performance and reliability, consistency, and reproducibility of results when multiple transactions are making changes and performing queries at the …

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What if … MySQL’s repeatable reads cause you to lose money?

Well, let me say if that happens because there is a logic mistake in your application. But you need to know and understand what happens in MySQL to be able to avoid the problem. 

In short the WHY of this article is to inform you about possible pitfalls and how to prevent that to cause you damage. 

Let us start by having a short introduction to what Repeatable reads are about. Given I am extremely lazy, I am going to use (a lot) existing documentation from MySQL documentation.

Transaction isolation is one of the foundations of database processing. Isolation is the I in the acronym ACID; the isolation level is the setting that fine-tunes the balance between performance and reliability, consistency, and reproducibility of results when multiple transactions are making changes and performing queries at the …

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MySQL: Parallel Replication

At work, replication

is a central feature in our MySQL Standard Architecture.

But until MySQL 5.6, replication was strictly sequential: Even if transactions happened in parallel on a primary, they would be downloaded to the replica by the IO_THREAD into the relay log. From there, a single SQL_THREAD would apply them, one after the other in strict binlog order. That can lead to Replication Delay.

We had a monitor for that, courtesy of Dennis Kaarsemaker

. That code looked at the time consumption in the SQL_THREAD, and counted the percentage of idle time over time, visualizing it in Graphite or Grafana.

This was the amount of runway we had. If the write-load to a specific replication hierarchy threatened to …

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MySQL: Python and WHERE ... IN ()

As a developer using Python, I want to be able to hand a list to an SQL statement with a WHERE id IN (…) clause, and it should do the right thing.

Well, that is not how it started, because it was asked on the internal no-work-channel, so it kind of escalated more.

A question

The original question was:

Dev> Why is it 2021, and SQL prepared statements still can’t deal with IN? Or have I missed some exciting development?

After a quick detour through Java (which we won’t discuss any further in this article), we established that this was a Python problem in this particular instance. And we touched on several other interesting things on our way.

But first, the solution:

#! /usr/bin/env python3

import click
import MySQLdb
import MySQLdb.cursors

class …
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MySQL: Python and WHERE ... IN ()

As a developer using Python, I want to be able to hand a list to an SQL statement with a WHERE id IN (…) clause, and it should do the right thing.

Well, that is not how it started, because it was asked on the internal no-work-channel, so it kind of escalated more.

A question

The original question was:

Dev> Why is it 2021, and SQL prepared statements still can’t deal with IN? Or have I missed some exciting development?

After a quick detour through Java (which we won’t discuss any further in this article), we established that this was a Python problem in this particular instance. And we touched on several other interesting things on our way.

But first, the solution:

#! /usr/bin/env python3

import click
import MySQLdb
import MySQLdb.cursors

class DebugCursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor):
    def _query(self, q):
        print(f"Debug: {q}") …
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Histograms and Faster MySQL Queries

     Histograms were introduced with MySQL 8.0 and are a valuable way of speeding up queries.  The MySQL optimizer assumes that data in a column has evenly distributed values. Even distribution of data probably does not reflect much of the data sitting right now in your database.  

    The optimizer wants to find the most efficient way to return the data requested in a query.  If it has poor information on that data, then the optimizer will make a 'guesstimate' that will will result in a query plan that will not perform well.  But if the optimizer has good information, in this case provided by a histogram, then it can produce a better query plan.

    In the following example a able is filled with data that is not evenly distributed.  In the histogram image following, the data is represented in what looks like a rollercoaster side view. 

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How to Retrieve MySQL Last Insert ID in CodeIgniter 4

I use CodeIgniter 4 a great deal for learning, personal projects, and application development. In this post, I cover 2 different methods you can use and retrieve the MySQL Last Insert ID value after executing an INSERT statement in CodeIgniter. Continue reading for more information…


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Model Setup

Starting out, I use the CLI Generator feature and create a Model by executing this code in the terminal in the project root:

php spark make:model user --suffix

I have removed much of the …

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Comparing Graviton (ARM) Performance to Intel and AMD for MySQL

Recently, AWS presented its own CPU on ARM architecture for server solutions.

It was Graviton. As a result, they update some lines of their EC2 instances with new postfix “g” (e.g. m6g.small, r5g.nano, etc.). In their review and presentation, AWS showed impressive results that it is faster in some benchmarks up to 20 percent. On the other hand, some reviewers said that Graviton does not show any significant results and, in some cases, showed fewer performance results than Intel.

We decided to investigate it and do our research regarding Graviton performance, comparing it with other CPUs (Intel and AMD) directly for MySQL.


  1. The test is designed to be CPU bound only, so we will use a read-only test and make sure there is no I/O activity during the test.
  2. Tests were run  on m5.* (Intel) , m5a.* (AMD),  m6g.*(Graviton) EC2 instances in the US-EAST-1 region. (List of EC2 see …
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MySQL on Kubernetes demystified


Marco, why did you write this long article?

Yes, it is long, and I know most of the people will not read it in full, but my hope is that at least someone will, and I count on them to make the wave of sanity. 

Why I wrote it is simple. We write articles to share something we discover, or to share new approaches or as in this case to try to demystify and put in the right perspective the “last shining thing” that will save the world.  

The “last shining thing” is the use of containers for relational databases management systems (RDBMS) and all the attached solutions like Kubernetes or similar. 

Why is this a problem? The use of containers for RDBMS is not really a problem per se, but it had become a problem because it was not correctly contextualized and even more important, the model that should be used to properly design the solutions, was not reviewed and modified in …

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MySQL on Kubernetes demystified


Marco, why did you write this long article?

Yes, it is long, and I know most of the people will not read it in full, but my hope is that at least someone will, and I count on them to make the wave of sanity. 

Why I wrote it is simple. We write articles to share something we discover, or to share new approaches or as in this case to try to demystify and put in the right perspective the “last shining thing” that will save the world.  

The “last shining thing” is the use of containers for relational databases management systems (RDBMS) and all the attached solutions like Kubernetes or similar. 

Why is this a problem? The use of containers for RDBMS is not really a problem per se, but it had become a problem because it was not correctly contextualized and even more important, the model that should be used to properly design the solutions, was not reviewed and modified in …

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Showing entries 201 to 210 of 5575
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