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Displaying posts with tag: odbc (reset)
MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.3.13 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.3.13, a new version of the ODBC driver for the
MySQL database management system, has been released.

The available downloads include both a Unicode driver and an ANSI
driver based on the same modern codebase. Please select the driver
type you need based on the type of your application – Unicode or ANSI.
Server-side prepared statements are enabled by default. It is suitable
for use with any MySQL version from 5.6.

This is the sixth release of the MySQL ODBC driver conforming to the
ODBC 3.8 specification. It contains implementations of key 3.8
features, including self-identification as a ODBC 3.8 driver,
streaming of output parameters (supported for binary types only), and
support of the SQL_ATTR_RESET_CONNECTION connection attribute (for the
Unicode driver only).

The release is now available in …

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32-bit ODBC Driver 8.0 for Windows is back!

The previous release of MySQL Connector 8.0.11 caused confusion for many users because its lack of support for Windows 32-bit platform, which is still very popular.

The main reason for it was the change in the MySQL Server 8.0 and MySQL client 8.0 library design, which regarded the Windows 32-bit platform as obsolete. Unfortunately, it had a far reaching adverse impact on the family of MySQL Connectors based on libmysqlclient including MySQL Connector/ODBC.

We listened to the voice of the community and did our best to bring back the 32-bit ODBC Driver for Windows to allow using it in ASP, VB, 32-bit MS Office applications etc.

Now we are happy to announce the return of the fully featured 32-bit version of ODBC Driver 8.0 for Windows with the full support for MySQL Server 8.0. The community version of the driver will soon be available for public at the following address:

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What is new in Connector/ODBC 8.0

General information about MySQL Connector/ODBC 8.0:

MySQL Connector/ODBC 8.0 is a successor of the Connector/ODBC 5.3 line.
The Connector/ODBC driver 8.0 becomes available starting from the version 8.0.11.

Where is 8.0.10? The family of MySQL products is growing and with so many products and different versions it is easy to get confused about functionality and product compatibility. Therefore, we decided to unify the versioning and synchronize the version numbers across all MySQL products. The current GA version of MySQL Server is 8.0.11 and the family of MySQL Connectors including Connector/ODBC has been aligned with the new versioning model and became 8.0.11 too. This will ensure that Connector/ODBC 8.0.11 can work with MySQL Server 8.0.11.

Among bug fixes and internal improvements the Connector/ODBC 8.0.11 received the support for a new authentication methods introduced in MySQL Server 8.0. These new …

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Separate docs for MySQL Connectors

The MySQL documentation section has always had this Topic Guides page containing links to the docs for the various MySQL Connectors -- the official database drivers for various languages and programming technologies. That is the most convenient way to get the information for each Connector in PDF form, rather than downloading the entire Ref Man PDF. For HTML, it was more of a shortcut, because

Log Buffer #281, A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

The Log Buffer Edition is one-stop joint to know about the latest blog entries regarding the database technologies like Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server. Enjoy this Log Buffer #281. Oracle: Whilst working with Oracle BPM Process Composer, Andrew began to receive the following error when opening projects. Christian Screen is moving ODBC DSNs from source [...]

Cisco Access Registrar ODBC Remote Server KeepAliveTimerInterval

In a test lab, we ran into a situation where the connection between our Cisco Access Registrar (AAA) server and MySQL server was timing out. This forced the server to reconnect and resulted in the following errors: name/radius/1 Error Server 0 ODBC client (DataSource 'my_odbc', Connection 8): SQLExecute failed: SQLState:08S01 NativeError:2006 ErrorText:[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.0.21-log] MySQL […]

Unexplained function output

I was asked today to confirm the operation of INET_ATON() and INET_NTOA() functions for converting IP4 strings to numeric representations. My tests on the machine I was just connected to at the very instant reported the following results.

| VERSION()       |
| 5.1.31-1ubuntu2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT INET_ATON('') AS ipn;
| ipn        |
| 1252352460 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT INET_NTOA(1252352460) as ipa;
| ipa           |
| |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

The results on the client via ODBC using MySQL 5.0.45 was?



What is causing this? It was immediately suspicious the pattern of 2E (the only letter), which translates from Hex to decimal …

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Dusting off code: FederatedX

I have been meaning to, for months, get working on the FederatedX storage engine. There are a lot of great features it has -- such as better support for transactions as well as some architectural changes, thanks to the work of Antony Curtis. It now is designed so that the connection is abstracted into a federated_io_ class. This allows you to be able to subclass different connection schemes/drivers. For instance, I have the code for Federated ODBC that I need to take the code from and port to a federated_io_odbc class.

FederatedX has been pulled into an older MariaDB repository (thanks Antony!) that I need to merge with the latest, as well as figure out how to get the test suite to load the plugable storage engine. I've tried to add 'INSTALL PLUGIN federated SONAME ''' to the test, but the server expects to be in a particular file location. That needs to be solved. I looked at PBXT's test suite but …

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How To Access MySQL from Oracle With ODBC and SQL

The Oracle gateway for ODBC provides an almost seamless data integration between Oracle and other RDBMS. I won’t argue about its performance, limits, or relevance. It serves a few purposes; set it up and you’ll be able, for example, to create database links between Oracle and MySQL. After all, wouldn’t it be nice if you could run some of the following SQL statements?

  • select o.col1, m.col1 from oracle_tab
    o, mysql_tab@mysql m where o.col1=m.col1;
  • insert into oracle_tab (select * from mysql_tab@mysql);

This post is intended to share, the same way Karun did it for SQL Server …

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Point of Sale systems, and their back-ends

Old Town White Coffee is a place we’ve been hanging out a lot at. Its got wifi, power sockets, couches, good food and drink, great eye candy (bonus!), and is open till late.

Today, we found out that all their PCs that hold the orders (order{1,2,3,4}) have Samba shares. Open to all, naturally.

They use Crystal Reports. Have a custom front-end, with appropriate touch screen drivers, but the back-end is pretty stock. They use MySQL, Connector/ODBC 3.51.12 and also use SQLyog 5.30. I know the system is designed and deployed by NIT, it looks like their F&B POS.

Their use of MySQL (schema wise), includes using VIEWs, stored procedures and triggers (on UPDATE and DELETE).

I wonder how many point of sales systems are powered by open source software. This one runs Windows, but at least within the …

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