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Displaying posts with tag: FOSDEM (reset)
FOSDEM 2021 MySQL Devroom CfP is now open!

As you already read, MySQL Devroom will be present during FOSDEM’21. The selection committee has been announced yesterday and
today we open the Call for Paper !

This event is a real success story for the MySQL ecosystem; the content, the speakers and the attendees are growing every year.

The MySQL Developer room focuses on MySQL and its Ecosystem.

It will run on Sunday 7th February.

New rules / What changes since last year:

  • For obvious reasons, this year the event will not take place in a physical location but online.
  • The reference time will be Brussels local time (CET).
  • Talks will be pre-recorded, and streamed during the event – Before proposing a …
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FOSDEM 2021 MySQL Devroom: the Committee

The MySQL Devroom is pleased to announce the committee that will decide on the talks to be presented for this totally new format of the next FOSDEM edition. Indeed, if you are not yet aware of it, FOSDEM 2021 will be an online event. Every year we are overwhelmed with submissions and it’s the committee that has the thankless task of deciding on the final selections and agenda.

Every year, we try to have a mix of experienced members knowing the process of the devroom talks rating and expect them to mentor the new members.

This year’s committee members are:

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MySQL Document Store Tutorial

When I tell people that they can use MySQL without SQL they tend to be skeptical.  But with the MySQL Document Store you can do just that with a new NoSQL API and in this case there is no structured query language.pre-FOSDEM MySQL Days (which is sold out and there is a waiting list) is my tutorial on using the Document Store.  Those in my session will be able to see how to use the MySQL Shell (mysqlsh) to connect to a MySQL server and save data without have to do the many things a DBA used to have to do in the past such as normalize data, setup relations, and several other tasks.  Plus the schema-less Document Store means you can alter your data needs without having to do an endless series of ALTER TABLES.

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pre-FOSDEM MySQL Days 2020: registration is now open !

Hello dear MySQL Community ! As you know FOSDEM 2020 will take place February 1st and 2nd. After having received many, many requests we decided to organize for the 4th year in a row the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day… with a big change, for this edition the event will be called “pre-FOSDEM MySQL Days” !

We have decided to extend that extra day related to the world’s most popular open source database to 2 days: 30th and 31st of January at the usual location in Brussels.

We will also have the usual sessions track but most probably a second room for those who would like to get their hands dirty in the code !!

Please don’t forget to register as soon as possible as you may already know, the seats are limited !

Register on eventbrite: …

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MySQL, MariaDB & Friends DevRoom CfP is now open !

Good news ! Once again, the MySQL, MariaDB & Friends Devroom has been accepted for FOSDEM’20‘s edition !!

This event is a real success story for the MySQL ecosystem; the content, the speakers and the attendees are growing every year.

FOSDEM 2020’s edition will take place 1st & 2nd February in Brussels and our MySQL, MariaDB & Friends devroom will run on Saturday 1st (may change). FOSDEM & MySQL/MariaDB is a love story started 20 years ago !

The committee selecting the content for our devroom is not yet created and if you want to be part of this experience, just send me an email (candidate at mysqlmariadbandfriends dot eu) before Oct 26th.

If you want to join the Committee you have to align with the following conditions:

  • planning to be present at FOSDEM
  • having a link …
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My Slides about MySQL 8.0 Scalability & Benchmarks from #PerconaLIVE 2019 Austin, TX

Here are my slides about MySQL 8.0 Scalability & Benchmarks from Percona LIVE 2019 in Austin, TX. (and I also realized I forgot to publish my slides from MySQL pre-FOSDEM 2019 Day about MySQL Performance Tuning, so fixing it now ;-))

P.S. Percona LIVE was "just awesome" ! ;-))


dbdeployer community - Part 2: Percona XtraDB Cluster

This was not on the radar. I have never been proficient in Galera clusters and related technologies, and thus I hadn’t given much thought to Percona Xtradb Cluster (PXC), until Alkin approached me at FOSDEM, and proposed to extend dbdeployer features to support PXC. He mentioned that many support engineers at Percona use dbdeployer) on a daily basis and that the addition of PXC would be welcome.

I could not follow up much during the conference, but we agreed on …

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FOSDEM 2019 – Percona Presentations

For those not familiar with it, FOSDEM is an amazing, free entry, full on celebration of open source that takes place in Brussels, Belgium every year. This year the event was held over the first weekend of February. Fringe events, such as the Pre-FOSDEM MySQL day hosted by Oracle MySQL, and the community dinner that follows, provide an opportunity to network.

In case you didn’t make it to FOSDEM this year, here are links to Percona’s presentations from the event. Organizers video and share online every talk from every dev room, a phenomenal achievement in itself. All credit to the volunteers who run this show.

Database Dev Room: Hugepages and databases presented by Fernando Laudares …

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MySQL Shell : the best DBA tool?

Last week I presented the following session at the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day:

MySQL Shell : the best DBA tool ? from Frederic Descamps

The audience seemed very interested on how the MySQL Shell can be extended.

During the presentation I showed how I extended the MySQL Shell with two new modules in Python:

Both projects are on github and are waiting for ideas, feature requests, pull requests, …

Here is …

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Friday Feb 1st it is MySQL Day !

We are less than 48h before the more and more popular pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day !

Unfortunately one of our speaker won’t be able to deliver his talk. Indeed, Giuseppe had ton cancel is talk on containers (Automating MySQL operations with containers) but he will be present during the day and during the Community Dinner, so if you have questions, I’m sure he will gladly answer them.

So we have replace this great speaker by another great one: Shlomi Noach !

Shlomi will present a very new session: Un-split brain (aka Move Back in Time) MySQL.

Here is the updated …

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