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MySQL 8.0 – Who stopped mysqld and how long did it take ?

In MySQL 8.0.21, we can see who and how mysqld was stopped and when the process ended.

Let’s have a look at different scenarios in this article.

SHUTDOWN SQL statement

The first test is to initiate the shutdown of MySQL from a SQL client:

mysql> shutdown;

In the error log (log_error_verbosity is set to 2, the default), we can see:

2020-07-14T07:17:28.865274Z 10 [System] [MY-013172] [Server] 
          Received SHUTDOWN from user root. Shutting down mysqld (Version: 8.0.21).
2020-07-14T07:17:31.258884Z 0 [System] [MY-010910] [Server] 
         /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete (mysqld 8.0.21) MySQL Community Server - GPL.

We can easily identify when the server started the shutdown process and when it finished.

Stopping using systemd

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Today is a good day…

Today is a good day for me. Today I tweeted that MySQL after 25 years is still GPL and same for all important components: the server, the shell, the router, the clone plugin, workbench !

To be honest, Oracle has been a very good steward for MySQL so far, PZ and Kaj admitted it too. This exactly what I was thinking when I joined the MySQL family and I’m still convinced about it after 4 years… and never as much as now !

If you know me, you should know that for more than 20 years I always praised and defended Open Source! All kind, not only MySQL! I started of course with Linux and then a huge amount of projects where I dedicated time, docs, code, bug reports, chats… As you know I also worked for Stone-IT, X-tend, …

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HA for our website’s database in OCI with MySQL InnoDB Cluster

In the previous post, we setup a Drupal website with MySQL as backend on a different compute instance in a different subnet.

Today we will increase the High Availability of our Database by transforming this single MySQL instance into a MySQL InnoDB Cluster!

The architecture will be the following:

We will use 2 different Availability Domains (AD), of course we could have used 3, it’s up to you.

We will install MySQL Router on the Application Server as advised, and we will modify our Drupal’s configuration to connect locally on the R/W port of the MySQL Router.

You will see that this is very easy to achieve, the most …

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Using OCI to install Drupal and MySQL 8.0

My previous post related on how to install WordPress on Oracle Cloud seemed to be very popular. To continue the exploration of OCI, today we will install Drupal.

This time, even if it’s possible to use the Free Trier like in the WordPress post, I will use a pay account to have the possibility to split the Web Server and the Database into two different subnets. Both instances will have their own subnet and only the Webserver will be reachable directly from the Internet. MySQL will be installed on a private subnet that could reach Internet only via a NAT gateway.

This is an overview of the proposed architecture:

At the end of the blog you will also be able to see this process in video.

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Deploy MySQL InnoDB Cluster in OCI with Terraform

As you know, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (aka OCI) becomes more and more popular. You can find OCI data centers almost everywhere and the price is very attractive.

Something very interesting is the possibility to have different availability domains but also different fault-domains in the same availability one !

Oracle provides a lot of modules to deploy your architecture on OCI using Terraform. Those are called oracle-quickstart repos. You can find them on Github.

There is an official Reference Architecture for MySQL InnoDB Cluster in OCI that I encourage you to read before deploying your MySQL HA solution …

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preFOSDEM MySQL Days: summary and slides

What a great event ! I got very positive feedback for this extended preFOSDEM MySQL Day 2020.

Before my summary, I wanted to thank again all speakers and attendees. Without you this event won’t even exist. And thank you to ICAB for hosting us yet another time !

As you may know, we had 2 parallel tracks for 2 consecutive days. We had very valuable technical content from the MySQL developers and also from the external community members who talked about their favorite database.

There was a large interest in MySQL NDB Cluster and it was obvious that the nice presentations we had, encouraged people to try the worlds highest performance open source in-memory database (and they can even test it on their laptop with DBDeployer). The NDB users were also happy with the new stuff and impressive numbers that Bernd

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MySQL Day – the Uber Experience

Last week, we had two exceptional preFOSDEM MySQL Days in Brussels. A lot of MySQL Engineers presented their work but also different MySQL Users. I will publish soon an overview of the two days, but today let me share with you an interview I did with Giedrius Jaraminas, engineering manager of MySQL team in Uber.

MySQL is heart of the Uber infrastructure“, this is how Giedrius started his presentation “Group Replication in Uber“.

The interview:

Q1: Tell us about yourself, and your experience with  MySQL

A1:  I am a database guy for 28 years, but I am relatively new to MySQL – I am a manager of MySQL team for only 3.5 years.

Q2:  Tell us about your company, and how MySQL is used.

A2:  MySQL is the main offer as a relational database, also – it is used as the …

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MySQL 8.0 Certification is available !

The MySQL 8.0 DBA Certification is now available. 85 questions to get the first MySQL 8.0 certification ! You can find details on the Oracle Exam 1Z0-908 page.

This exams covers mostly all relevant topics for all MySQL 8.0 Administrator and you can register for it on Pearsonvue’s website.

Good luck if you are taking the exam !

Artwork credits: student by Wilson Joseph and Certificate by Berkah Icon from the Noun Project

preFOSDEM 2020 MySQL Days: the schedule

The schedule of the preFOSDEM Day is now available !

We had a lot of proposals to deal with. Also this is a MySQL event where we, the MySQL Team has the possibility to show to you, our Community, all what we have working on to improve MySQL but also new stuff. We also invite some of our friends from the MySQL Community to talk about their experience.

I think we did a good selection and propose you new content. We are extremely happy to have Saverio Miroddi from TicketSolve talking about MySQL 8.0, Uber talking about InnoDB Cluster, and Facebook about Binlog.

As you can see, we will have 2 rooms, where one will be dedicated mostly to SQL and Optimizer topics but also tutorials.

You can also see that this year we also want to put some spot lights to MySQL NDB Cluster. You will see what is it, how is it used and what’s new. We will also have 2 community speakers sharing their MySQL NDB knowledge: Giuseppe Maxia, …

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MySQL 8.0 and Magento

In my road trip of the Open Source projects using MySQL, after having tested WordPress, Drupal and Joomla, let’s try to install Magento using MySQL 8.0 !

In Magento’s manual, we can see that the project requires MySQL 5.6 and supports 5.7.x since versoin 2.1.2.

In my test, I will use Magento 2.3.3, the latest stable when writing this article.

The manual stipulates that we should use ROW based replication but not GTID because Magento 2 is using CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE inside transactions. …

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