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Displaying posts with tag: binlog (reset)
Trawling the binlog with FlexCDC and new FlexCDC plugins for MySQL

Swanhart-Tools includes FlexCDC, a change data capture tool for MySQL. FlexCDC follows a server’s binary log and usually writes “changelogs” that track the changes to tables in the database. I say usually because the latest version of Swanhart-Tools (only in github for now) supports FlexCDC plugins, which allow you to send the updates to a remote data source, or to any other place of your liking.  You can find out more about FlexCDC basics in a previous blog post.

Please note that FlexCDC still needs to have source and destination instances defined in the configuration, even when using plugins.  This is because the FlexCDC state (how much into …

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Trawling the binlog with FlexCDC and new FlexCDC plugins for MySQL

Swanhart-Tools includes FlexCDC, a change data capture tool for MySQL. FlexCDC follows a server’s binary log and usually writes “changelogs” that track the changes to tables in the database. I say usually because the latest version of Swanhart-Tools (only in github for now) supports FlexCDC plugins, which allow you to send the updates to a remote data source, or to any other place of your liking.  You can find out more about FlexCDC basics in a previous blog post.

Please note that FlexCDC still needs to have source and destination instances defined in the configuration, even when using plugins.  This is because the FlexCDC state (how much into which …

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MySQL Slave Scaling and more

Jean-François talks about binlog servers. Take a look here:

MySQL 5.7: mysqlbinlog now supports SSL

Starting in version 5.7.3 MySQL added SSL support to mysqlbinlog client program. This feature allows system administrators to perform remote binlog queries (using --read-from-remote-server option) over secure connections.
So, the behavior of mysqlbinlog client program using SSL options is now the same as other MySQL client tools, with same SSL options and same SSL defaults. See the References section if you want more information about MySQL SSL options.
The remote administration of MySQL servers is a very common task as many MySQL servers are deployed in remote hosting facilities or in remotely located data centers.
There are many problems with remote administration of servers. With respect to security, the major concerns are:

  • If the traffic between the administrative console and the remote server passes …
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Por que Replicação Atrasa no MySQL?

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Recentemente respondi algumas questões referente a lag(atraso) na replicação, o que percebi é que muita gente não intende corretamente como este processo funciona internamente no MySQL e o porque do lag acontecer:

Veja a figura abaixo, ela representa replicação assíncrona no MySQL, recomendo que você leia meu outro post sobre o assunto:

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Why Does MySQL Replication Delays?

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These days I’ve answer some questions about replication lag, and I realized that most of people does not correctly understand how this process works internally on MySQL, and why does delays happen:

See the bellow image, it represents asynchronous replication on MySQL, I highly recommend you to read my other post:

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How Does MySQL Replication Works?

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See the bellow image, it represents how asynchronous replication works on MySQL

Bearing in mind the number on the image, let’s see how the process works:

  • Item 1 in the image represents the clients executing queries on master, note that the master is capable to handle multiple simultaneous connections (it can be configurable by max_connections variable). 
  • Master process these queries, and save it to his binary log(item number 2 in the image), then it can later on be replied on the slave.
  • The slave has 2 threads reubuntu mount ext4 partitionsponsible to deal with replication :

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Got a packet bigger than ‘slave_max_allowed_packet’ bytes and binlog_format = STATEMENT | MIXED

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Got a packet bigger than ‘slave_max_allowed_packet’ bytes and binlog_format=STATEMENT|MIXED

Since version 5.1.64 MySQL introduces a new variable named slave_max_allowed_packet, which was introduced to allow large updates using row-based replication do not cause replication to fail when exceeded max_allowed_packet.

The problem is if you have you replication using binlog_format=STATEMENT or binlog_format=MIXED it ignores this option and use as limit for queries what is on max_allowed_packet variable but still reporting on slave_max_allowed_packet causing the IO_THREAD to report the wrong message.

Run the …

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MySQL 5.6 Replication with GTID – Global Transaction ID

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Hi guys, Early February Oracle released the new version of MySQL named 5.6, one of the enhancements is the GTID (Global Transaction ID)

GTID is an unique identifier which will be added at each transaction, and will be very useful on the slave. remember before we needed to set MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS, now we don’t need them anymore.

Let’s see some new variables which we need to add to our cnf file:
gtid-mode : It will enable GTID, in order to this function work, we need to turn on log-bin and log-slave-updates
enforce-gtid-consistency : It will guarantee that only allowed command will be executed ( more information here)

Basicly, is only this what we need to enable GTID, for this tutorial I will …

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MySQL 5.6 Replication Performance

With data volumes and user populations growing, its no wonder that database performance is a hot topic in developer and DBA circles.  

Its also no surprise that continued performance improvements were one of the top design goals of the new MySQL 5.6 release which was declared GA on February 5th (note: GA means “Generally Available”, not “Gypsy Approved” @mysqlborat)

And the performance gains haven’t disappointed:

- Dimitri Kravtchuk’s Sysbench tests showed MySQL delivering up to 4x higher performance than the previous 5.5 release.

- Mikael Ronstrom’s testing showed up to 4x better scalability as thread counts rose to 48 and 60 …

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