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Displaying posts with tag: FlexCDC plugins (reset)
Trawling the binlog with FlexCDC and new FlexCDC plugins for MySQL

Swanhart-Tools includes FlexCDC, a change data capture tool for MySQL. FlexCDC follows a server’s binary log and usually writes “changelogs” that track the changes to tables in the database. I say usually because the latest version of Swanhart-Tools (only in github for now) supports FlexCDC plugins, which allow you to send the updates to a remote data source, or to any other place of your liking.  You can find out more about FlexCDC basics in a previous blog post.

Please note that FlexCDC still needs to have source and destination instances defined in the configuration, even when using plugins.  This is because the FlexCDC state (how much into …

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Trawling the binlog with FlexCDC and new FlexCDC plugins for MySQL

Swanhart-Tools includes FlexCDC, a change data capture tool for MySQL. FlexCDC follows a server’s binary log and usually writes “changelogs” that track the changes to tables in the database. I say usually because the latest version of Swanhart-Tools (only in github for now) supports FlexCDC plugins, which allow you to send the updates to a remote data source, or to any other place of your liking.  You can find out more about FlexCDC basics in a previous blog post.

Please note that FlexCDC still needs to have source and destination instances defined in the configuration, even when using plugins.  This is because the FlexCDC state (how much into which …

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