So your not a MySQL DBA, but you have to perform like one. If you have a production environment that’s running now, what are the first things you do when it’s not running or reported as not running?
- Are the MySQL processes running? (i.e. mysqld and mysqld_safe)
- Can you connect locally via cli?
- What’s in the MySQL error log?
- What are current MySQL threads doing? Locked? long running? how many? idle sources?
- Can you connect remotely via cli?
- Verify free diskspace?
- Verify system physical resources?
- If this is a slave, is MySQL replication running? Is it up to date?
- What is the current MySQL load, e.g. reads/writes/throughput/network/disk etc?
- What is the current InnoDB state and load? (based on if your using InnoDB)
After you do this manually more then once you should be scripting these commands to …
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