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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Sunday at OOW 2010 (reset)
OTN Interview about MySQL

I was interviewed by Justin Kestelyn the OTN Senior Director about MySQL at Oracle Open World this week.

Some highlights of the questions asked:

  • 0:55 Since the close of acquisition has there been any change in direction?
  • 2:23 How have your clients and customers responded to the acquisition?
  • 3:53 You mentioned that Oracle will bring added advantages and could infuse invocation.
  • 5:15 InnoDB and MySQL are now both owned by Oracle. What do you see as the development advantages?
  • 6:47 What were your thoughts on the first MySQL Sunday?
  • 8:58 Forks?
  • 11:04 Contact Details

You can view the Video online or play below.

2011 MySQL Conferences

Next year will mark a significant change for the MySQL community. At least three major conferences will have dedicated MySQL content that is great for attendees getting the best information on how to use MySQL from the experts in the field.

O’Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo

The 9th Annual MySQL conference will be held at is usual home of recent years. Colin will again be back as committee chair for a 3rd year and this will be my 6th straight MySQL conference.

Date: April 11 – 14, 2011
Location: Hyatt Regency, Santa Clara, California
Website: There is no website at this time
Call for Papers: There are no details for call for papers
Program Chairs: Colin Charles from Monty Program AB and Brian Aker.

Collaborate 11

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Upcoming MySQL Conferences

Unlike previous years when the number of conferences with MySQL content diminishes after the O’Reilly MySQL and OSCON conferences (Open SQL Camp excluded), this year has a lot on offer.

This month:

Upcoming next month in September:

  • MySQL Sunday at Oracle Open World on September 18 in San Francisco includes 4 tracks and around 15 quality speakers. (Big numbers of attendees also rumored but yet unconfirmed).
  • The inaugural Surge Scalability conference in Baltimore will include presentations by myself and …
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Speaking at Oracle Open World 2010

I will be one of 18 MySQL speakers at Oracle Open World 2010 at the first ever MySQL Sunday. With a great diversity of technical, community and product talks this will be a great opportunity to get a cross section of MySQL content. Combined with Java One, this year’s Oracle Open World will include a lot more opportunity of technical and developer content then the more regular marketing material.

As the program chair for the first dedicated MySQL track at last month’s ODTUG Kaleidoscope 2010 our MySQL community now includes a larger number of target people. From the Oracle community come many highly technical and skilled resources, some with an understanding or appreciation of MySQL and many that are new to MySQL.

This is a great opportunity to share our knowledge and experience with MySQL.


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