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Displaying posts with tag: mcafee (reset)
Auditing MySQL with McAfee and MongoDB

Greetings everyone! Let’s discuss a 3rd Party auditing solution to MySQL and how we can leverage MongoDB® to make sense out of all of that data.

The McAfee MySQL Audit plugin does a great job of capturing, at low level, activities within a MySQL server. It does this through some non-standard APIs which is why installing and configuring the plugin can be a bit difficult. The audit information is stored in JSON format, in a text file, by default.

There is 1 JSON object for each action that takes place within MySQL. If a user logs in, there’s an object. If that user queries a table, there’s an object. Imagine 1000 active connections from an application, each doing 2 queries per second. That’s 2000 JSON objects per second being written to the audit log. After 24 hours, that would be almost 173,000,000 audit entries!

How does one make sense of that many JSON objects? One option would be to write your own parser in …

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How To Fix Intermittent MySQL Errcode 13 Errors On Windows

The Problem

I've had MySQL on my Windows 7 laptop for a bit (as part of wampserver), mostly for local offline WordPress development.

However, even though MySQL is relatively stable, I've been observing a vast quantity of intermittent MySQL errors, as reported by WordPress in the PHP error log (C:\wamp\logs\php_error.log). Here are some examples:

[05-Jan-2010 09:47:51] WordPress database error Error on delete of
'C:\Windows\TEMP\#sql17e0_1a2_6.MYD' (Errcode: 13) for query SELECT t.*, tt.* 
FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON tt.term_id = t.term_id 
INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = 
tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('category') AND tr.object_id IN (3) 
ORDER BY ASC made by require, require_once, include, get_footer, 
locate_template, load_template, require_once, dynamic_sidebar, 
call_user_func_array, …
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