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Displaying posts with tag: wireless (reset)
Tech Messages | 2010-05-14

A special extended edition of Tech Messages for 2010-04-29 through 2010-05-14:

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State of the C.J. - 20060625

C.J. Blathers about recent major changes in his life.

Mail me for credentials.


Hey all. Please comment on this entry. I’m trying to get an idea of who’s listening to what I say.

Why do you read this blog? Are you interested in community wireless networks? OpenGL development on Linux? Family? Business Intelligence? Synchronizaton Manager news? Freecycle™ development? Random Perl bits? Something else I’ve forgotten about?

I’m finding myself over-extended and I need to cut back on some of the things I focus on. Please let me know what is important to you so I know how best to re-organize my time, energy and other resources.

© cjcollier for C.J.'s WordPress of studlyness, 2006. | Permalink | No comment

Filed under ewn, …

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Moved blog, took long weekend

For those of you who want to hear me read this instead of having to do so yourself (no hyperlinks), click here for .ogg and here for .mp3.

I migrated the blogs’ database and code from moonunit to avenger, both of which run Debian Sarge. Y’all should now notice a vast improvement in throughput. The ISP that Moonunit sits on should also see a large decrease in traffic.

Today, I added a campaign to raise funds for hosting. If you have any extra funds, please help me with colocation costs. It’s expensive and y’all use up a bunch of bandwidth. If you find this site …

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