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Displaying posts with tag: google chart api (reset)
More fun visualizing MySQL Database Size

Hi again!

As a sidekick for my previous post, I came up with a snippet of code that generates the Google Chart URL to visualize table size for the current database. For example, for the sakila sample database, we get URL's like this:

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A Faster MySQL Database Size Google Chart

Abstract - As described by Walter Heck, MySQL database size can be visualized using Google Charts. With a minor code improvement the URL for the chart can be obtained twice as fast. With some more modification, the number of lines can be cut down resulting in a function that is half as long.

Hi!It's been a while since I posted - I admit I'm struggling for a bit to balance time and attention to the day job, writing a book, preparing my talks for the MySQL user's conference and of course family life.

A month ago or so I …

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