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Displaying posts with tag: Blindspot (reset)
Rows Examined Blindspot when Looking for non-Existing Data

When trying to understand queries in the slow log, an interesting metric to look at is rows examined.  Also, when trying to understand CPU spikes on a MySQL instance, the InnoDB Metric dml_reads and the global status Innodb_rows_read are interesting to check.  In a similar way, when trying to gather information about which queries are loading the system, SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED from the

Rows Examined not Trustworthy because of Index Condition Pushdown

When Index Condition Pushdown is used, you cannot trust rows examined as reported by the slow query log (nor in some Performance Schema tables) and you cannot trust the global status Innodb_rows_read (nor the InnoDB Metrics dml_reads).  These can lead to an incorrect query complexity analysis, to a mistaken estimation of the total load of a MySQL server, and to a lot of wasted time.&

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