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Displaying posts with tag: Tungsten Connector (reset)
Make It Smarter: Tuning MySQL Client Request Routing for Tungsten Connector

Overview The Skinny

In this blog post we explore various options for tuning MySQL traffic routing in the Tungsten Connector for better control of the distribution.

A Tungsten Cluster relies upon the Tungsten Connector to route client requests to the master node or optionally to the slaves. The Connector makes decisions about where to route requests based on a number of factors.

This blog post will focus on the Load Balancer algorithms available via configuration that allow you to adjust the routing behavior of the Connector, along with ways to debug the Connector Load Balancer’s routing decisions.

The Question Recently, a customer asked us:

How do I know which load balancer algorithm is in use by the Connector? And how do we enable debug logging for the Connector load balancer?

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What on Earth is a Split-Brain Scenario in a MySQL Database Cluster?

Overview The Skinny

In this blog post we will define what a split-brain scenario means in a MySQL database cluster, and then explore how a Tungsten MySQL database cluster reacts to a split-brain situation.

Agenda What’s Here?

  • Define the term “split-brain”
  • Briefly explore how the Tungsten Manager works to monitor the cluster health and prevent data corruption in the event of a network partition
  • Also explore how the Tungsten Connector works to route writes
  • Describe how a Tungsten MySQL database cluster reacts to a split-brain situation
  • Illustrate various testing and recovery procedures

Split-Brain: Definition and Impact Sounds scary, and it is!

A split-brain occurs when a MySQL database cluster which normally has …

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Configuring the Tungsten Connector for PCI Compliance

The Question Recently, a customer asked us:

We were wondering if the Connectors would be able to bind to localhost/ instead of Since the Connector is installed on the application servers, all of the connections are coming from localhost. We would like to limit this exposure so that the 3306 port is not exposed externally. We ask because we are failing PCI checks that are able to access the database port externally.

The Answer YES!

You may set the IP address for the Connector to listen on by using the tpm command option: property=server.listen.address={IP_ADDRESS}

To force the Connector to listen on the localhost only use the following example:

shell> tools/tpm configure alpha --property=server.listen.address=
shell> tools/tpm update --replace-release

Use the IP …

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Using Keep-Alives To Ensure Long-Running MySQL & MariaDB Sessions Stay Connected

Overview The Skinny

In this blog post we will discuss how to use the Tungsten Connector keep-alive feature to ensure long-running MySQL & MariaDB/Percona Server client sessions stay connected in a Tungsten Cluster.

Agenda What’s Here?

  • Briefly explore how the Tungsten Connector works
  • Describe the Connector keep-alives – what are they and why do we use them?
  • Discuss why the keep-alive feature is not available in Bridge mode and why
  • Examine how to tune the keep-alive feature in the Tungsten Connector

Tungsten Connector: A Primer A Very Brief Summary

The Tungsten Connector is an intelligent MySQL database proxy located between the clients and the database servers, providing a single connection point, while routing queries to the …

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