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Displaying posts with tag: InnoDB Persistent Statistics (reset)
Here is the CREATE TABLE of death

In a previous post, I talked about the existence of a CREATE TABLE that is crashing MySQL up to versions 5.5.58, 5.6.38 and 5.7.20, and MariaDB up to version 5.5.57, 10.0.32, 10.1.26 and 10.2.7.  I hope you upgraded (or can mitigate this problem in another way) as I am now publishing the CREATE TABLE of death.

The first thing to clarify about the CREATE TABLE of death is that it is not a bug in

A crashing bug in MySQL: the CREATE TABLE of death (more fun with InnoDB Persistent Statistics)

I ended one of my last posts - Fun with InnoDB Persistent Statistics - with a cryptic sentence: there is more to say about this but I will stop here for now.  What I did not share at the time is the existence of a crashing bug somehow related to what I found.  But let's start with some context.

In Bug#86926, I found a way to put more than 64 characters in the field table_name of the

Fun with InnoDB Persistent Statistics

Something interesting happened to me in the last days, and it is worth sharing.  I was upgrading MariaDB (MySQL also impacted) to a new major version and mysql_upgrade showed something like this:

[...] Phase 4/7: Running 'mysql_fix_privilege_tables' ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 586: Duplicate entry 'schema-table_name#P#partition_name_truncated' for key 'PRIMARY' ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 590:

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