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Displaying posts with tag: mariadb monitoring (reset)
Getting Started with MySQL Replication for High-Availability

Many organizations have MySQL or MariaDB databases at the core of their business—for processing and storing product sales, collecting information related to services offered, or just providing essential information to customers. As a result, keeping these databases running continuously can be critical for the success of an organization.

There are many components of a database system that a database administrator will need to consider for maintaining high availability. We considered server equipment (e.g., memory) in a previous introductory article. Now let’s look at using multiple servers for your MySQL and MariaDB databases—let’s look at replication.

Replication Overview

One common and effective way to structure a highly available database system is through some form of database replication. There are a few reasons …

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Getting Started with MySQL Replication for High-Availability

Many organizations have MySQL or MariaDB databases at the core of their business—for processing and storing product sales, collecting information related to services offered, or just providing essential information to customers. As a result, keeping these databases running continuously can be critical for the success of an organization.

There are many components of a database system that a database administrator will need to consider for maintaining high availability. We considered server equipment (e.g., memory) in a previous introductory article. Now let’s look at using multiple servers for your MySQL and MariaDB databases—let’s look at replication.

Replication Overview

One common and effective way to structure a highly available database system is through some form of database replication. There are a few …

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