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Displaying posts with tag: counters (reset)
ICP Counters in information_schema.INNODB_METRICS

In this blog, we’ll look at ICP counters in the information_schema.INNODB_METRICS. This is part two of the Index Condition Pushdown (ICP) counters blog post series. 

As mentioned in the previous post, in this blog we will look at how to check on ICP counters on MySQL and Percona Server for MySQL. This also applies to MariaDB, since the INNODB_METRICS table is also available for MariaDB (as opposed to the Handler_icp_% counters being MariaDB-specific). We will use the same table and data set as in the previous post.

For simplicity we’ll show the examples on MySQL 5.7.18, but they …

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MariaDB Handler_icp_% Counters: What They Are, and How To Use Them

In this post we’ll see how MariaDB’s Handler_icp_% counters status counters (Handler_icp_attempts and Handler_icp_matches) measure ICP-related work done by the server and storage engine layers, and how to see if our queries are getting any gains by using them.

These counters (as seen in SHOW STATUS output) are MariaDB-specific. In a later post, we will see how we can get this information in MySQL and Percona Server. This investigation spun off from comments in Michael’s post about the new MariaDB dashboard in PMM. Comments are very useful, so keep them coming!

We can start by checking the corresponding documentation pages:

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